Non scale victories (stolen from SW forum)

LOL I remember my sister having a long pregnancy pillow that she slept with between her knees. Yes it is the contact and now the bones are pushing against each other its not that comfy. On the plus I wore a size 10 skirt today and bought two size 8 tops. Still have a bit to go for a size 10 trouser but a 12 is to big that makes me an 11 right? LOL
Definitely, I'm sure I'm an 11 too! X
I got a bag of clothes from my 'skinny' cousin that she doesn't want anymore and they all fit :-O size 10's, chuffed!

I got a bag of clothes from my 'skinny' cousin that she doesn't want anymore and they all fit :-O size 10's, chuffed!

YAY!! Lucky you wish I knew some skinny people all my friends have taken my fat clothes though.
My size 8-10 belt is now on it's last hole!!!! Bought it on Mother's Day and had to use first hole then! Can't believe I will be able to fit in to a size 6-8 belt :D:D:D
Friends that I'd not seen in a long time used the words "skinny" and "slim" to describe me last night!! Me?! HA!!!
Also- was wolfwhistled- probably much more of an insult really but still- better than a kick in the shins.
Kimberley.....we are modern women....wolf whistled....what an insult....male chauvinist, but great (years since I've been whistled at....but, secretly loved it) hahahahahah you've got it going on girl, slim and enjoy it x
Woo hoo I have a pair of trousers on tonight that were nearlies a few weeks ago! Although need to wear with a long top as serious camel toe happening but still ! Lol x
Still a victory even with a long top :p
The long tip was needed O/H said I was mumbling cheeky get lol

It was good to have trousers that fit on as the ones I've been wearing are too big o look rediculous lol
Am wearing my teenage daughter's cast-offs! And she's skinny which means I MUST be!
Madness- Baggy Trousers. That is all.
I climbed Ben nevis (it's good enough to repeat!). Couldn't have done that 46 lb ago!! Would love to lose another 3lb by holiday eek!
Thanks Pauline! I've actually got another one - I'm wearing a skirt with bare legs for the first time in fifteen years!! Just someone hit me if I start thinking stilettos would be a good idea :).
Go on CD stilettos......sounda good ;-)
wee while since this has been updated...I'm doing a photo catchup on facebook tonight and I've found work Christmas night out pics from December. I can see a difference! x