Non scale victories (stolen from SW forum)

In bed last night ooooooeeeerrrrr, don't worry.... I couldn't get comfy my knees, omg the bones were touching lol
Sid, you're brilliantly bonkers, love it, love ya! Jx
Shopping for trousers in the next size down LOL. Two pairs of black that I use for everyday and school work are already loose. Come september and back to school I won't be able to wear them at all. Ebay here I come.
When buying clothes - having the coat hanger on the counter or conveyor belt facing upwards so everyone can see you are buying a small size instead of facing downwards to hide it as i used to do before i lost all the weight!!! Especially like asking the changing room assistant in a loud voice if they have a size 10 as the 12 is too big - instead of whispering and asking for a bigger size!
scooter said:
When buying clothes - having the coat hanger on the counter or conveyor belt facing upwards so everyone can see you are buying a small size instead of facing downwards to hide it as i used to do before i lost all the weight!!! Especially like asking the changing room assistant in a loud voice if they have a size 10 as the 12 is too big - instead of whispering and asking for a bigger size!

Ha! LOVE it, Scooter :D

P x
Visited friends house today, she has disability adaptations and one of them is a toilet rail/support that she has over the toilet. I hate going to her toilet cos the rail is always cold against the skin and I struggle to sit down.

Was taken by surprise by the full-length mirrors in the fiitting room whilst out clothes shopping with 16 year old daughter (buying for her not me of course!), anyway - had to look twice in the mirror as didn't realise the skinny-legged mama I was looking was ME :eek:
Was taken by surprise by the full-length mirrors in the fiitting room whilst out clothes shopping with 16 year old daughter (buying for her not me of course!), anyway - had to look twice in the mirror as didn't realise the skinny-legged mama I was looking was ME :eek:

Woohoo you go girl. Nice one.

Had to alter my belt as well yesterday, put three extra holes in.

I also bought a size 22 pair of crop trousers off ebay and they fit YAY!!!!
My lovely friend commented "Wow, aren't your hips small now!"

They're not really, but lovely to hear :D

P x

PS - AND she gave me my cuppa in a "World's Sexiest Woman" mug ;)
The day I started this I struggled to do up all my size 14 trousers. Today all my old size 10's are a comfortable fit, I genuinely thought I would never fit in them again. And I still have 9lbs to go! All this and I have never felt deprived of food, and feel so healthy and energised. Of course I'm nearly bankrupt but.........I have hip bones!!!
yesterday I ran around 300 mtrs round a ring twice with not 1 but 2 ponies in one class after another.... i then had to run round again in the championship..... i was breathless as had no break to get my breath back really but didnt need oxygen like i would have needed previously after running 10 mtrs lol
What a lovely thread, I look forward to adding to it as the weeks and pounds go by.
Paulinegin said:
My lovely friend commented "Wow, aren't your hips small now!"

They're not really, but lovely to hear :D

P x

PS - AND she gave me my cuppa in a "World's Sexiest Woman" mug ;)

Made me laugh on the bus P! You sexy thang! Did she try to sneak her arm round you too?? Great stuff!
Just tried on all my dressy trousers and could pull them all up and down without undoing them and they were huge on me :eek: !! Then I tried on a dress I wore to a ball about 6 years ago when I was 16 thinking it wouldn't fit and it did plus it was a little loose on my waist so I then went on to sort out my dresses and I had to get rid of 5 as they were too big plus the 7 pairs of trousers a pencil skirt 2 blouses and 8 tops eeeeeeeee i'm so chuffed right now :D x
Feeling confident enough to be setting myself goal dates.
Being able to confidently buy clothes a size smaller knowing that they will fit! And knowing that if they don't have that size... a size smaller will fit soon enough! Massively needed ego boost!

And also knowing that I'm not making disastrous food choices... even when life is a little bit difficult!
I love this thread- must have read it three times over. Keeping posting - I for one love reading
Catching sight of yourself in a shop window or full length mirror and having to walk past again to have another sneaky look as it doesnt look like you - oh yes!!
Sorta a scale victory- BMI 25!!!

Also...I've lost so many cm!!!
