North Easties

Thought of runny egg is turning my stomach!! :( not well

Aww sorry... How about Honey on toast...? Or Sausage sandwich with lashings of brown sauce...?
Brothers Slim said:
Aww sorry... How about Honey on toast...? Or Sausage sandwich with lashings of brown sauce...?

Still can't face anything!! 4lb loss this week so need to be good but could eat a horse! Or a bag of haribo and some ice cream nom!
Still can't face anything!! 4lb loss this week so need to be good but could eat a horse! Or a bag of haribo and some ice cream nom!

This might be me tomorrow... My birthday tomorrow is taken up fully by Uni so i'm off for a few tonight... I can see tomorrow being painful... :)
Hello Northeasties may I join in? I'm Claire (thin for 30 but am 32 this year so that didn't happen). I'm in Northumberland and this is my sixth dieting attempt in ten years. I am determined to stick with SW but am only a week in (4lb off first week).
thinfor30! said:
Hello Northeasties may I join in? I'm Claire (thin for 30 but am 32 this year so that didn't happen). I'm in Northumberland and this is my sixth dieting attempt in ten years. I am determined to stick with SW but am only a week in (4lb off first week).

Welcome!! Of course you can join, theres a valentines challenge.. Why don't u have a look an join, give yourself a short term goal x
Hello Northeasties may I join in? I'm Claire (thin for 30 but am 32 this year so that didn't happen). I'm in Northumberland and this is my sixth dieting attempt in ten years. I am determined to stick with SW but am only a week in (4lb off first week).

ive been dieting for about 10 years been thin and fat so many times in so many countries its unbeliveable.
But im here in newcastle to stay and am on my last weightloss journey before i join the maintaining target members!!
2012 is our year to be slim and stay thin

Im in week 4 and lost 4lb ( i joined before xmas) lost 2.5 in first week had a good 2 weeks at xmas and put 2lb on which i was pleased with as if i hadnt of joined i'd have eaten a lot more then lost 3.5 and maintained on thursday so my journey has had a slow steady start
safc said:
Happy Birthday Brothers Slim.
Well I have not had so much fun as did last night for a long time. What a laugh. Learnt the beginning to a routine to Black and Gold. Looked like could have stood next to a zebra crossing when finished, Bright red, I was. Looking forward to next Sunday now.

Was this ur tap lesson? X
Goin back next week then safc?

I tried Asda's chickpea Dahl and it was very nice.... Hope it was the syn free one!!

Anyone know any other syn free handy snacks? I'm getting sick f the same stuff :(
0001fatgrandma said:
Did you try the Asda veg. chilli that was in the last mag? Syn freee, and tastes goog

Nooo when I got to Asda I forgot which one it was. Will definitely pick one up tonight !! Mmmm anyone know anymore?
stripedsocks said:
Helloooo! Another from the North East here - from Teesside! :)

Welcome striped socks! I'm originally from teesside!!

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Hello NorthEasties,

Miss Thomas I had a look at the v day challenge and I am going to aim for 7lbs off. Have had a bit of a disastrous week as have been ill and can only stomach toast with peanut butter but am back on the regime as of today!