Planning is the key for me, every Sunday the wife and I sat down and made a full weekly menu. We kept very few treats food in the house so very little temptation.
I also set mini targets to break down my weight loss, I had 6 stone to lose and that daunted me. So every half stone was my Target and when I hit that Target I gave myself a small treat like a mars bar or packet of crisps ect. We also have a take away at the end of the month as long as I have lost weight that month!
Hope some of that has helped and nor bored you al lol
no way...not bored at all...
love reading others tips / advice etc..
esp someone like yourself who has done so well...
i started out 12 weeks ago at 18.1...and couldnt (still cant) set a final target,
its still too daunting, i have wrote here on my statistics 12.12, but i know i will have to come down to 11.7 or so,
on monday at weigh in i was 15.08.05, and just seeing the numbers getting lower on the scales is such a buzz...
i do love the stickers coming every half stone, i want my 2.5stone award next week (just a half pound off it!!)
and i want my 3 stone for halloween,
we set xmas targets on monday night, and i set 25lbs, so now thats 23 in 11 weigh ins til xmas, so just over 2lbs a week,
fingers crossed i can do it, that will take me to seeing 13 on the scales

albeit 13.13!!
it is so true what you say, being prepared, having lots of fruit, yoghurt, meat, etc all in the house / freezer
all the "free foods"!!
i do eat free all day, and have my syns at nite, tea and biscuits, curly wurly, weight watcher crisps maybe,
then on sat nite i have my chinese takeaway (do you think i would have to cut this out as i get nearer target ? i have one EVERY sat nite!

) so far it hasnt effected my losses, but it might in the future?
thanks for the tips (u have prob nodded off by now)