Not a single excuse this time!

Welcome ladies! Woohoo it's so nice to know that we are not alone!

Preetone! - Thanks for your tips hun. The only thing I buy from the internet is books, I know exactly what I'm getting. I'm one of those who likes to see/feel what she's buying! I can def make the shops with buggy most of the time, its just things being a bit nuts with the jan sales right now! And yes, my arms are getting pretty strong since li'l monster is growing at a really fast rate bless him!

Barb - Glad to see you've made such a fab decision today! All here to support you. xx

I know you ladies can do it too! (although I feel I'm gonna be dieting for months after you guys lol) Still we're all in it together, and its a lifetime of self-control, which pays off so much in the end!
cuddle your ticker is very apt for today, altho when i ran in the snow today from my door to the car i was not wearing shorts!
cuddle your ticker is very apt for today, altho when i ran in the snow today from my door to the car i was not wearing shorts!

lol! I don't want to make you sick by saying that today we had clear blue skies and lovely sunshine where I am. Darnit! I already said it! ;)
hello again : )
think ive been quite good today!
had a bowl of crunchy but for brekkie..
and then two jumbo snack a jacks mid morning.
I then ate 4 crackers + a go ahead bar for lunch.
For tea i had nimble bread + ham, and a big salad.
oh and a packet of french fries :/
about 1000/ 1100?

cant seem to stay off the scales!
i wanted to weigh myself once a week, but seem to be on them everyday! :/

I've finished the day on 1245 cals. I'm well chuffed with that, as I had decided to aim at between 1200 and 1500 a day. It's not been too hard, I've been a bit hungry/fanciful but have been very strong!

Glad day one is done!
Welcome Stacy, Well done!! And also to you Barb, the first day can be a real test of strength as you're so used to eating differently, but you did it! :)
Hi to all the newbies!!

I had such a good day yesterday, had a little blip at home though :cry: I prepared a lovely tuna salad for hubbie, and my plans were for a bowl of shredded iceberg, spring onions and tuna. Now, I am not known for my love of salad or veg, so I thought this was very determined of me. However, I had a couple of mouthfulls and couldn't bring myself to carry on - oooh do I not like lettuce?!!! I was rather annoyed at myself for giving in so easily, and had nothing else at home as I am shopping daily to avoid temptation! I ended up with 4 crackers and one slice of cheese. I didn't even count it and I know it wasn't that bad. One slice of cheese isn't going to hurt anyone! But it was more the fact that I gave in with the salad thing, and I didn't do my dvd :cry::cry:. Lol

Never mind, today is another day. I intend on going back to what I was eating last time I CC'd and lost, and not set any unrealistic goals for myself (lile eating salad every day!!). So today, it's cheerios, banana, fruit to snack on, wholemeal roll with a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter (YUMM), Walkers baked crisps, a baked potato and haven't worked out what else yet.

I know this will work, so I am going with it for a while. Once I have recorded a loss I think I will be more inclined to step it up a little. :sigh:

By the way, Food Focus tells me 1132 cals a day. Not sure what I did yesterday as I have written it off, but will be good today, promise :break_diet:

Hi Nat, :)

I think you did really well! You didn't go off the rails, which is the real danger. Salad's aren't exactly wonderful, especially in winter. In my salad i throw in little bits of interesting things like a sprinkle of nuts, parmesan cheese, sweetcorn. Anything that makes it taste and look more interesting. I also use cherry tomatoes, and a squeeze of hellman's light over it. Even better if there's some tasty grilled and chopped chicken breast in there to turn it into a Caesar Salad!

But I think, that if salad really doesn't appeal to you just forget it! Eat what does appeal to you, just try to include the veg that you most find palatable on your meals, otherwise it's going to be hard to sustain, especially in this weather.

I love your idea of wholemeal roll with peanut butter. :happy036: Unfortunately when I buy rolls (that come in at least a 4 pack) I am TOO tempted to eat more than one, so I try to stop buying rolls or eat too much bread, as they are one of my danger foods (along with chocolate and cheese.)

Keep going and think about the rest of us! Will be sending slim vibes to you today hun! :D xx
Ladies!! You might find this interesting! Claire Sweeney on GMTV this morning, did a documentary where she ate whatever she fancied, and stopped exercising and put on nearly nearly 2 stone in six weeks???? She didn't exactly look bad for it either, but that's really shocked me. Am I ok to put a link here to the feature?

GMTV | Videos | Claire Sweeney
I read about this the other day, so it's interesting to hear her talk about it. I may even switch the TV on tonight to watch the documentary (don't watch TV normally!). I find this like this so interesting. Thanks for posting CP!
Paul McKenna's 'I can make you thin' is at 8.00 on Living too! Streuth! Will I get time to watch them all, and bath the little one, settle him, maket tea, eat etc... agghhh *runs around living room screaming*
I'll be watching Claire Sweeney and taping Celebrity Big Brother.

I have dabbled with Paul McKenna - I can make you thin, before and had some success. In the end though I found myself being more and more impatient with his methods (eating slowly - sometimes you just don't wanna do that :eek:) and finding time to listen to the motivational CD every day...... on top of working, commuting, exercising, keeping house, having a life etc :cool: It was just one other thing that I didn't get time to cram in - So, I think I'll give Mr McKenna a miss this time.

Looking forward to the Claire Sweeney thing though - she keeps it real, a real sized woman who struggles to keep weight off and has to work at.......something I can totally relate to ;)
I had that book and CD Lil K, I found it interesting, but I do agree about not wanting to eat slowly at times (if im honest I NEVER want to eat slowly, especially when I'm dieting because I'm starving by the time I get the meal lol) Talking of which I'm going to make Spag Bol tonight and try really hard not to put too much on the plate. THAT really is my test!
:giggle:know what you mean about not wanting to eat slowly

I also had the book, CD and the diary (always wrote in pencil, so that when I inevitibly stuffed it up I could erase it all and start again at day 1 :8855:)

Hope you enjoy your spag bol - in true Paul Mckenna style the acid test will be..... can you leave some left on the plate when you've finished or will you be a member of the 'clean plate club' ?:p