Gold Member for all your Kindle covers and accessories etc. inc. free delivery too.
I have a good S.W. collection on my kindle in pdf form.
Syn list - HEX A and B choices on Green days - free food on green days. (Just do Green days).
I don't do EE but also have a list of SS and S foods etc for reference.
I don't have an all singing, all dancing phone so find this a brillliant way of taking things with me as my Kindle is always in my bag.
Will do some recipes when I get round to them.
Maximus said:Daft question, but how do you upload pdf or anything to the Kindle? - obviously it can be done but not aware how.
Daft question, but how do you upload pdf or anything to the Kindle? - obviously it can be done but not aware how.
Get both - Kindle books on the ipad are stunning and pics are full colour tooif i am thinking of getting an iPad would i be wasting money getting a Kindle?