Not so Secret Diary of a Serial Snacker...

Tuesday 16/08/16

Yesterday was a good day, food was good (soup was surprisingly delicious) and because I had zero syns in the day I was finally able to eat my Galaxy Ripple, taking the day to 9 syns.

Slight change of plan for food today as my friend wants to go out for lunch (having a tough time of late) so food is:

Breakfast - HexB Overnight oats with finely diced apple, toffee muller, pumpkin seeds 1 syn
Lunch - Naked burrito bowl (basically chicken salad!) will count 5 syns for salsa / sauces
Dinner - Campfire Stew - 2 syns for sausages, topped with HexA Cheddar
Snacks - Grapes, fruit salad (rasps, strawbs, bloobs)
Takes the day to 8 syns. Really craving peanut butter so may have some later in quark or on a rice cake.
What a whirlwind last week was. I was working from 5am to 9pm and was absolutely exhausted. Food was on plan for the week, Saturday had a family birthday bbq to which I had some good food choices but also drank alcohol so that took my syns. Sunday was majority on plan with some slightly over syn snacks but all in all it worked out OK.

Weighed yesterday and lost 1lb so I am happy with that!

Got the week off with hubby and chilling. Yesterday was washing and housework so the rest of the week can be enjoyed. Today I had bircher muesli with nut butter for 5 syns, took myself off for a back scrub and massage and just got home. We're off for a walk around our local park and lakes and will be eating out for dinner. There is a Smith & Western so will be making best food choice but not limiting myself to a salad (if I'm paying I want more than lettuce leaves!).

Tomorrow we're off to Brighton with my sister and partner so will be another day of walking and being off our backsides. Making the most of enjoying the weather while we have it!

I had the bircher yesterday too and looks a little like this.


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Squirrel! I thought you were dead! Glad you're not! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine :)
Very much alive and kicking! Although to be fair, last week did kick the sh*t out if me. Had. Wonderful day, didnt go to S&W, we just went to the cafe in the park and I had a tomato and mozzarella panini with side salad, washed down with a corona. Will have a proper diary catch up tomorrow! Hope all is well with you? Cx
That sounds wonderful! I'm still plodding along, gazing wistfully at the sunshine from the confines of the office :( Possibly going to maintain again this week, food hasn't been brilliant again, mainly due to circumstances outside of my control, which is driving me insane. I just want 4lbs off by 21st September - is that too much to ask??