not sure I can do it any more

Thanks so much kazz and FFF and those day, new dawn and stubbornness are getting me off to a fresh start today. i guess im mad wth myself cos ive had packs/water up to tea time and then binged on crap...felt sick after...why!why!why! Anyway enough why-ing and whereforing its onwards and downwards..thanks girls...youre all truly fabby!!!:eek:
Thanks again for the support :) I haven't even tried to get back into ketosis today, but I'm going to have a read of my yellow book and see what kind of thing I need to get to do the cd1000 plan or even higher.

I think it has made a difference to me that I've been working twice as many hours this week so the times I'm used to going home and having one of my packs I'm stuck at work surrounded by real food so it has been more a psychological thing that I HAD to have something then. Picking at bits of chicken and cucumber just wasn't enough. I need to feel like I have had something substantial and a proper meal. I will be permanently working full time now rather than a few hours a day so I need to seriously rethink how I work the diet. I'm going to have to get up at 5 30 am to make sure I have enough time to sit and have something before I go out to work. (I hate mornings!)

I haven't stuck to a carb free diet today but I haven't gone overboard with the calories and even though I was dying for a snickers bar (sell them at work, so much temptation) I waited till I got home and had a CD bar instead (yay me) so I do have some kind of determination to keep going.

Jennie I understand what you mean about having a good think about why I need to get to thatagoal. I think that probably part of the problem. Now I don't feel I need to get to that weight I just want to lose the bulging belly and the fat calves then I'll be happy. I really need to be doing some exercise to reduce the belly but I don't know what will reduce the calves.

Olijames I really hope you're having a much better day today :)
Nic & Nikki.....hope the 2 of you manage to get back onto watever track is right for you both!!

I havent been 100% good with SSing today....and am a bit annoyed with myself cos I still have so long to go!! But i'm too stubborn to let food beat me any longer!!