Not sure???


New Member
Hi all you wonderful people, I'm brand new to this site and trying to work it all out, I'm very tempted to try the Dukan but unsure which way to progress, should I try to do it myself with just the books or join via the website? I'm a former Lighter Lifer and AAW8 along with WW and SW but have found low carb to work a lot better for me so like the idea of the Dukan any help would be gratefully received thanking everyone in advance xxxx
My advice would be to calculate your true weight at the dukan site Dukan Diet Official Site: Weight Loss Experts - Know How To Lose Weight - I think you have to sign up to get the information - but you DON'T have to pay at that stage....

get the true weight calculation - this tells you how many days you should proceed on the restricted "attack" phase. Then log out and never part with a penny :) x

at this stage you then really need to get ahold of the book - it's a bible really - you can do this at your local library (mine has an online catalogue where you can search and reserve books - maybe yours does too?) or try ebay/amazon for best prices.

so basically get true weight, get book, read book and then get organised with cooking and preparing recipes :)

hope this helps x
and check out our FAQ section for more info... we're always happy to answer queries.