Crazy life of Chilli



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looking fab hunny x

hows today been going since being back on it all?
looking fab hunny x

hows today been going since being back on it all?
thanks, not too bad so far this week, been keeping busy so I guess that helps.

I made lots of masks and ran my art group yesterday, did lots of posts on local FB selling pages. I should do some on marketplace I guess, but I've sold 5 masks in one evening so not too bad. I'm making bows today, and may do a batch of masks that aren't festive fabric, for people who want to stock up but don't want to look so... festive.

But for now - my usual morning procrastinations lol. I'm watching Mr Magoriums magical emporium... one of my favourite kids movies :D

Happy December 1st everyone :eek:
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You are looking fabulous! I love your denim embroidery too.
thanks @AliGal

well I wasn't 100% last week but I'm back down 1lb to 174 so all good enough. Apologies for tmi, but I also feel a bit errr backed up. Hopefully it will clear soon.

Well I've been busy making bits and bobs and embroidering christmas jumper for son and another for a friend, it's fun watching it work.

I've also been chatting quite a bit to a chap from a dating site, he seems nice. Too soon to tell tho.

The other thing that's had me distracted is my friends mum - who I sometimes helped care for, has passed away. Very sad but she was beginning to suffer and none of us wanted her to have too much of that. Still, sad.

Awful weather here today, and I need to food shop :rolleyes:
So sorry to hear about yr friend's mum. It's hard that stage when someone is suffering, and the relief and loss when they do die.

Re men on dating sites: - I recommend an early phone conversation - you can set up a skype account just for the prupose so he doesn't get yr #. I found several men I'd been enjoying online chats with weren't as enjoyable to talk to directly and/or had voices I couldn't stand.If you meet anyone, I recommend just having a coffee as it's awful sitting through a meal with someone you know you don't want to meet again.

I had a coffee with a man 19 years ago - and then we went out to lunch, and reader, I married him 18 years ago.
Oh I've been so bad, not logged in for a while! I've been busy catching up etc

My xmas orders are now closed though for my hand made stuff. I'll be spending this week making room for my mother in law and sister in law who're coming to stay for a few days at the weekend.

I also plan (on no particular deadline) to make mother in law a bag, to make me a shirt, and to paint and put new flooring in my down stairs loo. If that could all happen before xmas it would be cool lol. I'll probably try to make the bag first and try and be finished by the weekend.

Well yesterday I went on a date, it was fun but as much as I think I'll keep him as a friend I don't feel any spark but at least I went somewhere lol. I agree with your suggestion @AliGal and I know several people who met their partners online, it's just another place is all. And you can meet good or bad people in any place. I actually met my ex online too although it wasn't a dating site, just through mutual friends, it wasn't how we met that made our marriage fail lol.

Anyhoo... I've totally not been 100% and somehow I'm down to 172, so I'm happy enough with that. just 1 more lb and I'll be back to my years lowest, which is 20lb's off and I reckon that's a pretty good step forwards in one year for me.

I've got friends mums funeral today and possibly a meal with a friend tonight, then I'll try and stick to exante for the rest of the week until mother in law arrives on saturday. Then I'll try and stick to it again until xmas, If I could hit 170 I'd be delighted haha. A new low... I'm not planning to go crazy anyways, we'll probably have nibbles and a few drinks on Saturday (so I'll try to have a couple of low carb meals that day) and Sunday we'll have a big roast dinner as an early xmas dinner, but those aren't what gain weight it's the rubbish we all add to it lol. I'll go easy on the roast potatoes and although I'll have pudding I'll try to stop at that. They'll be leaving Monday night and then I'll try and be good after that.

Hope you guys are all doing good.
Catching up! You have been busy. I hope the funeral went OK and you had a lovely early Xmas meal.

You've done so well this year - organising your home, looking after you children, friends, family and clients. Well done, Queen!
thanks @AliGal yes I think I've done well this year, I'm proud of myself.

I've no idea how much I weigh tho lol I'll probably not bother looking until after new year.

I had fun with my mother in law and sister in law, and the funeral did go well. Me and the kids had a chilled christmas. As usual I've not got around to completing all my plans but I always get some done and thats really 'enough'

No more pressure from me, to me.

Hope everyone is doing ok, I'll come back properly after new year :)

Hugs all round x
Look forward to chatting in the New Year
hey girls (and any guys that might read)

Hope you're all well and have had a lovely time over Christmas and new year.

we've had a lovely chilled christmas and new year :) I'm scared to weigh in, and might not bother for a while lol. My trousers are definitely getting snugger.

I bought myself a dolce gusto machine as a gift to myself and am mucho enjoying chai lattes, but I'll need to start rationing myself soon. I'm not really bothering much yet, today is my birthday and I've just had a take away, and planning a meal out later in the week, so realistically I'll be restarting seriously next week.

I'm ridiculously excited as I've decided to act on some previous inspiration. I can't remember if I posted the idea here but someone I know posted a pic on Facebook of a 'mobile haberdashery' basically a shop in a van. At the time I thought ooh I could do that in a few years. Well recently I was thinking ... why? why is it always that I'll do that later? what's really wrong with now?

So I'm in the market for a van :D

It's going to be a good year, I can feel it in my gin soaked bones.
Oooo happy birthday,mine was Saturday. I think it's a good time to have a birthday as you are eating holiday treats anyway. Best wishes.
Great idea about the van, where would you be hoping to sell?
aww happy birthday tipp x

the van sounds fantastic chilli. you are definitely too talented not to push that as a business option :D

Im a sucker for the cappuccino pods ;) I limit myself by not buying them too often haha.
LOVE the sound of the haberdashery in a van - do it!!!! I love businesses that come to your home, just registered with a mobile vet :).

And belated happy birthday for Sunday xx
have a look on facebook, for the mobile haberdashery, I can't remember where it is so it may happen to be near one of you!

I'd be stocking it with my own art and craft and other things I make :)

I've reached a 'van stalemate' for the moment tho. My friend who knows about stuff has suggested that trading my car in for an older higher mileage van may not be a good bet, and that's all I can really afford. He suggested a trailer - so I've been looking at horse trailers as they have the height. But I don't know theres just something about it doesn't feel right. So then I was back to perhaps looking at smaller vans, doing the idea but with compromises. In general it made my head hurt and I'm not sure yet which path I will take, but I know at some point I will pick a path!

For now I'm going to get on with my other things and wait, watch and think. Some solution will present itself I'm sure. I've given my daughter the cash I promised for her birthday so she can buy her own car soon (she's turning 17) so at least now any extra cash I can start and save for my own purposes.

Diet wise still not checked. I had my 'last' crazy night last night tho - a curry out with friends and drinks. However I had 2 pina colada's and they did not agree with me! I suspect my body has simply had enough and is now in need of some plain food and drinks. I have suffered off and on stomach pain for the last 24 hours pretty much, taken paracetamol and my IBS meds that I've not needed for ages!

I've done a quick stock check and I've probably over 50 shakes and about 30-35 soups sitting so plan is to have probably 2 exante products and 1 meal to be going on with and see how things go, restarting on Monday properly.

Onwards and upwards, hope everyone is well :)
The reve4nge of the pina coladas! Sorry you had a tough time after a nice night of pleasures!
The mobile business will happen when it's right for you, but in the meantime it's so exciting to plan it all and dream about the possibilities!
welcome @CoffeeLover2020

I nearly bought a van yesterday, but someone else sneaked in and bought it whilst I took my son to his drama group! It obviously wasn't meant to be yet lol.

I still haven't properly started my health kick, as today is my daughters birthday. So we're having junk food and cake as requested lol.

Not much else to report really... I'll try and get back on it tomorrow. I'm helping a friend paint her new sun lounge, she wants a bit of a mural so we'll see, and then I'm working 5-10pm. then working thursday nightshift.

Friends today we were all saying we all need to give ourselves a good kick regarding our own businesses. Ah well. We'll get there.