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Zest for Life said:What's a kitchenaid??? Xxx
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Mmm yes what's a kitchen aid ?
Zest for Life said:What's a kitchenaid??? Xxx
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notlongnow said:No it's not something that either mr grey would use or a posh name for a chef - it's a stand mixer - you probably seen them on telly as used in lots of cooking shows - look very retro in lots of great colours & they are fab but vvvv expensive! I sold £500k worth in one day once!!!
Zest for Life said:What just mixes cake mixture? X
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notlongnow said:No silly - mixes anything plus makes bread, pizza dough, whips cream, eggs, but you are right in thinking its not used for particularly healthy things!!!! Obviously not using mine much at the mo but I use it alot - never use a handwhisk I just use that - I know I probably sound like a saddo!!!
Zest for Life said:I'm not into baking, I'd love to be but I've got zero control over freshly baked goodies I end up eating everything ,
I used to make lots when the boys were young but not now. Omg, In a million
Years I could not bake bread then not eat the whole thing! Bread is my trigger food, toasted with lurpak, heavenxxx
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Zest for Life said:What's a kitchenaid??? Xxx
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notlongnow said:No it's not something that either mr grey would use or a posh name for a chef - it's a stand mixer - you probably seen them on telly as used in lots of cooking shows - look very retro in lots of great colours & they are fab but vvvv expensive! I sold £500k worth in one day once!!!
Zest for Life said:What just mixes cake mixture? X
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notlongnow said:No silly - mixes anything plus makes bread, pizza dough, whips cream, eggs, but you are right in thinking its not used for particularly healthy things!!!! Obviously not using mine much at the mo but I use it alot - never use a handwhisk I just use that - I know I probably sound like a saddo!!!
Vjdisme said:Omg I love lurpak on tiger bread !!!!!
Rkmriddell said:Omg. You don't know the truffle shuffle and you dont know a kitchen aid??? Why do i stalk you????? Oh yeah your sons are hot lol x
Rkmriddell said:Too expensive for mebut I really really want one!! I will be buying one if I win the lottery tonight lol x
Rkmriddell said:I loooove toastx
Zest for Life said:My sons are hot #cougar
Truffle shuffle #very sad
You stalk me #cos I'm funxxx
And v didn't know what kitchen aid was either! Infact RK not many 29 ur olds would know!!! Get a lifehehe xxx
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Zest for Life said:No point, we will be in Maldives!!! Xxx
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Zest for Life said:I could live off toast, xxx
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