Nous Mangeons!


Going to make myself a cup of tea and get in bed. I think I have a couple of calories left but don't want to push it just incase. Had to guesstimate the weight of some mozzarella so I want to play it safe.
Made it through the night woo! Had a cheeky weigh in this morning and I'm now at 69kg so fingers crossed it stays this way. Not sure if I can cope with continual up and down weigh ins though!

Had a yoghurt with confiture de lait and a glass of milk for breakfast. Got a mexican tea planned, tacos yum!
Just started my 3rd week of juddd. I'm feeling a bit disappointed that I haven't had any fantastic results yet but then when I think about my past two weeks I haven't been following the plan properly. I've only ever managed 2 full fast days and then on my UPs I've TOTALLY pigged out and not counted calories. So it's no wonder I haven't seen any results. I know where I've gone wrong and I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. I just wish I'd more of an effort as my birthday is creeping up and I don't want to be looking like a lumpy mess!

A fresh week. Eaten lunch already. Feeling good. I have lots of things to get on with this evening to distract me when I'm feeling hungry or just want to nibble on something. I can do this! Goal for this week: sticking to 3 fast days and also tracking my UDs.
Good luck with it. I'm starting over as of today as I went a bit mad over the last few weeks!