Gold Member
broadsbean said:hello tigger, althougth you may not believe this if you read any of my other posts but i to am a nurse
Have been qualified since the late 1980's so also did the old training. I work on an acute admissions unit so life is never dull. I also work with students a lot as a mentor and think a little bit of life experience goes a long way and one of the best students i have ever had turned 50 while working with me
It is usually the one area in my life i am in control. I have never regretted becoming a nurse even on the really bad days and i am sure you won't either. Neither the training or the job are easy, but it is really worth doing.
Good Luck xx
Thanks for your reply, I just want to do something with my life to make a difference to others
The thought of being a student again after nearly 17 years terrifies me, but is quite exciting at the same time x
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