Maybe Dude was jealous because you were paying too much attention to those scales.
You are an athlete - you really should go by your level of fitness and get yourself weighed in water for a body fat measure. You might weigh heavier than you like - but you are very solid.
Nikki, you need to break out the Beck and work on what's going on in your head. You are doing so well - you are working, taking care of kids, grieving not not only your mother's passing but the last couple of years of her life, you are supporting your dad through all this, your husband is often away and when physically here he's distracted, etc.
I will say that you should make a pact with yourself to have no alcohol or diet soda for two weeks and see how much that helps with the boat, cravings, depression, etc. I think you find it helps to detox.
Hang in there, I'm glad you are back posting.