His response... 'How cool is that? Is he cute? Or don't you know? lol'
Err what does that mean?!
Well as your not on cd, why not book a table for 2 and go for the healthy options? Meals are great for having time to talk and get to know each other.
There is also the cinema - back row???!!!
Do you have any nice places for a walk? Somewhere that perhaps has a cafe inbetween so you can stop for a spot of lunch. Hand holding during walks is very sweet!
What about going all out and decorating your bedroom in candles, get an oil burner going and download some soft musicDon't forget to wash your bed linen and get some condoms!!
Hugs x x x
Don't keep giving him the opportunity to back out - that in itself can look like a mixed signal from you, as if you're trying to give him a hint not to come.
I'm with Lexie on that one - be careful he doesn't start thinking it's you that isn't interested!! Start telling him you're really looking forward to seeing him again and to spending time together... liked your comment about the bonus points for him though![]()
Do you really like him or is he just a bloke you think may be interested?
Ok right I gotta speak up here on the behalf of the man. I have been in this situation before and can sum it up in 4 simple bullet points what I believe he is feling/thinking:
1- He was unsure at first if he liked you. But then made the decision he does hence why he looked up train tickets
2- He didn't want to try anything on in case you said no. He is perhaps not very confident. Men are worse than blind dogs at reading signs. I remember once with a girl that she tried her hardest to give me signs, which included all sorts of crazy stuff. In the end she said "For ****s sake" and grabbed me and kisse dme. MEN ARE SH!TE ATE READING SIGNS.
3- He used the trian ticket thing as a way of gauging if he was welcome and if you still liked him.
4- He is currently gearing himself up to do something when he sees you. You letting him come down has given him confidence.
'not as cute as you' should have been the answer to this one![]()