rotfl - you re probably right...
both me and dh are teachers, i have 2 degrees and a post graduate teaching cert, speak 3 languages and run my dept!
riff raff indeed .....
thanks for making me smile! she is indeed as you describe her!!
We had one like that! I called her "the Scottish Widow" because she was , (no offence to any Scots on the board, I'm married to one and both my boys were born in Glagow) I used to wait till she went out before I did the front garden! Her crowning moment was one day when one of my friends left 4 sacks of well rotted manure at the top of our drive (I swear this is true), it was to put on the garden. My husband was in the front room and saw her come up the drive and look in all 4 sacks!
Our other neighbours had a child!!! Just don't talk to me about footballs!!!!!!! Eventually I punctured them before I gave them back. They did a moonlight flit!
We had one like that! I called her "the Scottish Widow" because she was , (no offence to any Scots on the board, I'm married to one and both my boys were born in Glagow) I used to wait till she went out before I did the front garden! Her crowning moment was one day when one of my friends left 4 sacks of well rotted manure at the top of our drive (I swear this is true), it was to put on the garden. My husband was in the front room and saw her come up the drive and look in all 4 sacks!
Our other neighbours had a child!!! Just don't talk to me about footballs!!!!!!! Eventually I punctured them before I gave them back. They did a moonlight flit!
Lol, Judi! It would seem I'm really not the only one in a "neighbour from hell" situation! I also have another neighbour who is a single mum in her 40's with a 9 year old boy. Her child......SPAWN OF SATAN!! Her....filthy! Her house is soooo black that our entire row ended up with a mouse infestation!!! I'm sure you can imagine how angry we all were! What frustrates me though is she lives in a council property, however the council cannot and have not enforced gaining access to her property! It's like something out of the life of grime, and the smell in hot weather is awful!!
Oh dear, I really, really want to move! lol
K xx
P.S No offence taken with the Scots comment, it was a very funny nickname for your neighbour!
rotfl - you re probably right...
both me and dh are teachers, i have 2 degrees and a post graduate teaching cert, speak 3 languages and run my dept!
riff raff indeed .....
thanks for making me smile! she is indeed as you describe her!!
That is probably why she likes to think of you as the rabble next door. She is probably a bit jealous of you're purposeful lives and doesn't have anything better to do! I just end up feeling sorry for people like that, even though they aren't very nice.
When we had a neighbour like that we used to invent things to keep her entertained - like telling her my sister had run off to live in a carvan with her hells angel boyfriend and my brother was doing well on his probation period, lol! It was funny