"we wern't born fat, its not genes it's greed."
Started Xenical 24th August 2009 - [19.5 stones] :cry::cry::cry:
:sign0009: Follow Me! Check out my journey thread!
[Mini Goals]

- [STRIKE]Complete Week 1[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Join a GYM[/STRIKE] Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Complete One Month[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Loose 1st [/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Loose 2st[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Loose 3st [/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Loose 4st[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
- [STRIKE]Loose 5s[/STRIKE]t
- Loose 6st

[STRIKE]Get to 18stone[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
[STRIKE]Get to 17stone[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
[STRIKE]Get to 16 stone[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
[STRIKE]Get to 15 stone[/STRIKE]
Complete :checkmark:
Get to 14 stone
Get to 14stone by
22/05/2010 - My Bday!
Raise £1000 for Cancer Research
*check out myfitness food diary!