Observations, mutterings and the gerbera effect

lookingforme said:
Amazing Result Gem, you earn't it!
Gladyour walking again, what lovely sun we have now. Its so inspiring, poole is georgeouse!
I stayed at the sandbanks once sand both sides quiet spoilt :)

Toyota Yaris sounds nice, Ive always had tiny cars 1 lasted 14 years Micra the last one 11 years Suzuki Alto and never broke down once, sadly as the Micra pogressed in manufacturer i could see how they source the cheaper parts.

There is one small car on the market that shouldnt be as its width on the road doesnt equal enough to wiegh it down to stop it rolling my lad knows the details i can ask him if you like.


Thanks LFM...Poole is truly lovely, I still feel very privileged to live here. Walking for pleasure is so much nicer than the walking I do around work but it all counts :0) I'm going to try the bike again soon

I'm a Nissan girl, got a primera at the mo but my favourite was a sunny. We are looking at getting a micra. We have only four months and we an pretty much afford what we want! x
RainbowRose said:
another loss Gem..that's my girl! :)

your walk sounds lovely..sunshine hasn't reached us yet, when it does, i'l be heading to the country park, it was lovely last spring up there!

did you ever make it to the docs? you mentioned some symptoms recently!

ooh... here's to you having a lottery win very soon and buying the car!

I don't much about cars, however my wee cherub for the past 2 years knows EVERY car, lorry, van etc on the road..and i mean every single one! His aspergers has given him some sort of photographic memory, and he only needs to be told the type once and he knows and remembers it forever after!

he even had a 'top gear' birthday cake! :)

I passed my test in a nissan sunny, and took my lessons in a nissan micra..and i know we now have a mazda bongo..but that is the limit of my knowledge! hee hee

have a great day, keep thinking happy slim thoughts and have a good week hun x

Thanks Rose...it's a relief to be back in the zone...as you know my son is an Aspie too and he was exactly the same with cars.....he still knows them all but when he turned 17 he decided he didn't want to learn to drive! He used to have a massive toy box of cars and he knew all the names and makes as well as who bought it, when and how much it cost! He is now well into his computers and doing well at college....a natural born software engineer so his tutor says.

I love nissans and will possibly go that way again, very reliable! X
That's good to know, i will remember you and your son every time i trip over another toy car..he has them everywhere! Despite them being tdied away each day, he's like awee whirlwind when he comes home and empties the 4 TIER plastic drawer cabinet with his collection!

so pleased your boy is doing so well, it makes me relax a wee bit more easily about wee cherub's future :) x
He is now well into his computers and doing well at college....a natural born software engineer so his tutor says.

Thats lovely to read Gem and I can only imagine the relief you have from it Rose.

Two days out of routine but been okay. Now requalified as a first aider and back to work today. I did succumb to some chocolate on Monday night which took me 250 cals over target but I was 500 under yesterday so no harm done apart from giving me a nasty headache! Sugar just doesn't agree with me!

Found a dress for the wedding so all is good and on track. I'm ordering the next size down too just to make sure it still fits in two weeks as its quite big already!

Have a good day peeps (((((hugs))))) for hose who need it x
Sooo brave wearinga dress wish i had the spirit!
No harm done with the cals hun, your in the zone now.
Weather amazing here, cant belive its so hot already.
Day dreaming of camping and nice rides.

Your brain must go on overdrive everyday mate i have no idea how you keep up with all that you do lol

Looks like this week is going to be a good one for us all!
quiet looking forward to our Monday wiegh in!.

See you then XX
Wow LFM, you are doing so well! So chuffed for you. xxxx
Good morning Friday!

Well, after my two days of putting pressure on my knees and hands practising resuscitation I've had a flare up of the arthritis...walked down our stairs on weds morning and the muscle behind my left knee popped out. The last couple of days I've been hobbling to and around work. I've arranged to work from home today so I can rest it as much as possible.

My mid week weigh in today was a loss of 1.2 lbs and I'm now 16 st 1.6 lbs which I'm very pleased with considering I've done no walking for four days!

It's given me the push to keep going over the weekend. It's been more of a struggle this week somehow...nutritionally it hasn't been as good so that's what I'm going to concentrate on this weekend.

My thoughts are with you Rose today, saying goodbye to your friend will be a difficult day for you ((((hugs)))).

LFM - wearing a dress is okay if you are careful with the style, I am really getting into wearing skirts and dresses, it does makes me feel more feminine and suits me much better than trousers or jeans.

Barb - nice to see you on my thread *waves*

Have a good weekend peeps. Onwards and downwards x
Wow LFM, you are doing so well! So chuffed for you. xxxx

Hello Barb
Im doing ok thanks have you read this thread.... because its gems lol did you mean Gem oin your post? hope your doing ok too.

Gem awfull pain you must have but braving through as normal, glad youve grabbed the wieght advantage thou it will help while not active.

Hope you get better soon thou mate xxx
Well life hasn't been the greatest the last few days, my leg hasn't been great and I've been doing some research regarding the arthritis. The first thing I have to do is face head on what I have. So I've been to the docs last night and I've been referred for multiple blood tests as a starting point. I need to go back to the docs one week after the tests and if it's indicated in my blood I will be referred to a rheumatologist at the hospital. I need a proper diagnosis which may be a battle but I'm now determined and after being through my sons condition and the battle his diagnosis was I know I'm probably up for a fight. If it is rheumatoid arthritis, with a diagnosis I will have access to the assistance I need when I need it and I may be able to avoid further damage to my joints.

Exercise and loosing more weight are important. I have researched a tai chi class close to me as this is good for the joints and the muscles supporting them. I can also carry on with the walking which is fine as long as my knees and hips can bare it. I am also being checked for thyroid issues, cholesterol and diabetes!

I've been given some stronger anti inflammatory pills to help control the pain. I was offered time off work but i don't want to go down that route as I will go stir crazy and start feeling very sorry for myself...it was bad enough this weekend not getting out and about! Anyway work issues distract me from the pain.

Submitted my 3rd uni assignment this weekend and only ave another month on this course..... It's flown by! My next course is going to be design thinking....bring out some of my creative skills and a refreshing change from work!

Hope everyone's okay, have a good week folks ....oh and I weighed in yesterday to a 0.8lb increase but that's fine as I advent been able to exercise at all!
HI Gem
So pleased you are going down the route to get some medical help for your pain and joints, it could aid problem later.

The wieght issue must be a worry for you, my mum although 80 has recently put on at least 3/4 of a stone and her knees and ankles are so very different when she is using them and that change has only come over 3 months.

How she will loose it i dont know and how lucky we are to still have years ahead of us and possibly get more nimble rather than slower.

Your course has shot by? cant belive thats nearly over already!
Design sounds good fun i always fancied studying colour therapy and then mixing that wit interior design or just become a colour consultant.

I Wouldn't worry about the wieght at tis time Gem its out of your control hun..unlike me:eek::eek::eek::(
total self sabatoge at the moment about 4lb on this week.
I Need to have a firm word with myself!
No idea why im doing it, but i can even see where im carrying it.

Hope you don have to fight to long for your diagnosis but i can imagine you dont take many prisoners lol

Catch you soon hun XXX
Morning Gem
Hope you are more comfortable.
Thought of you when i was sat in the sun Yesterday, it works wonders for the aches.

Hope you have a good result today, but if not ( as i know your in control) im sure it will be a safe one.

Joints are more important right now hun, with out them there isnt much that can be done. Slowly slowly cathcy monkey
Hi girls
Sorry I've been AWOL....it's been mega busy at work and I haven't been on my plan at all! I haven't weighed in so gawd knows what I weigh but we are off to Essex today for the wedding tomorrow, so once that event has been enjoyed to the max it's back on plan Monday.

The new pills have helped with the pain and I started walking again this week. The knee is still sore but it's manageable and my hands are the best they've been for months. Blood tests scheduled for next Thursday....couldn't get in any earlier! I think this is going to be long and drawn out "sigh"

Still waiting for uni results, they should be in later today.

Have a good weekend and keep going! X
hiya, so pleased you are still around!

Glad to hear pills are helping, hope blood tests and results go okay hun, keep us posted, and finger crossed for uni results too???..ooh lots of waiting and anticipation in your life at the moment!

don't worry about being off plan, enjoy the wedding, eat, drink and be merry..then deal with it next week! :)
HI Gem
Glad your ok, good news with the pain

Dont worry about the scales, enjoy the wedding and no your ain is exiting. Im sure you will be on it again.

Sometimes we just have to sit back and let other things pass first. pain is horrible to try to be positive through and in the joints it must be terrible.

Give it the attention it needs and karma will give it back to you when your ready and all fired up for war! lol

just going to PM you about how you may speed up that process with doctors etc.

Have a good couple of days

Thanks LFM and Rose for your support, means a lot!

I faced the scales today, back up to 16 st 6lbs "sigh" but not really surprised...back on plan today.

I bought a new car yesterday, a brand new Nissan Micra - bright blue bug! I pick it up in 7-10 days time.

Wedding was lovely. My son missed mothers day, hubby found out this morning he had got me something just forgot all about it! We went to a party in the afternoon! I've said don't worry about it, the time has passed now, so that's that.

Very tired, got a big day ahead, returning the hire car, back up for the garage to look over my old car...I've got £2k for it on a scrappage scheme ( since it is literally falling to bits and that's more than I paid for it four years ago, it's a great deal!) Work will be manic I expect as the two days I had off I had no cover, so I've got three days of work to catch up on!

Hey ho, the price we pay for gallivanting at the weekend! I did watch the biggest loser final last night to get me back into mode.

Hope the scales treat you kindly, have a great day! X