obsessed with sex!!!!!!!!

like a tingling shock or just shock x
I'd like a younger man if his legs were his own and didn't have a machanical ear(don't ask) soo if your body parts are your own I'm easy to please.
cant keep making me laugh like that with all the water ive been drinking ,mechanical ear im intrigued
Damn right im drooling too lol xx
told ya Trace why didnt you come round, could have explained much better xxxx
As in theory or pratical Gaz?! xx
both silly you know me better than that xxx
oooow moisten that sounds dirty.The ear thing.I used to go out with a guy called the machine cause he had a mechanical earpiece but when he couldent hear with it properly unless he shook his head.So when we had sex he would shout things to me while shaking his head.eventuaklly he dumped my saying that I was laughing through sex and it put him off, go figure
your so right lill so lets do it and we shall put it into practice x:p
mmmm careful ill be getting excited again! xx
ffbb your cruel the head shaker could have come in useful if you'd have put it somewhere
again................. your permanently excited sexually, xxx
Lol go out on the pull hun! xx