off topic - advice please !!

i was passed from pillar to post !! was getting very stressed ,eventually i got back through to sales to see if i could reorder the order when i had cancelled the other on ,they said it might not accept ur new order because of a outstanding orderin my name .............. so let's see !!!!!!!!!!!!

still need to sort out my compensation yet !!!
OMG Jet. I hope they grovel (but I bet they don't). What a mammoth cock-up.:mad:
RIGHT , my OH has wrote me a letter to send to them because clearly i think they are treating me like a idiot but seem to be treating the other lady who recived my order a lot better,we are in contact with eachother ,so today i will write it up and get a stamp and send it off ,my gloves r on !!!!
hi i havent sent the letter off yet !!

but an update on the phone saga !!

well after another phone call to phones 4 u and this time im told of a manager that i can not order another phone until the other lady has sent back my order ,ive spoken to her this morning and she hasnt even recived the bag to sent it back and she rang that through on the 2nd september so ...........

i think the bloody people at phones 4 u are trying to call me a thief im so so angry at them !!!!
I am FLABBERGASTED that this debacle by Phones 4 whoever has reached this point. I would be tearing strips off somebody now.
FACT : They have not supplied you with your oder.
FACT : They have sent out your personal details to a random customer of theirs. However nice she may be, that is simply unacceptable.
WHY can't they deal with this until the other lady sends your order back? It is not her problem and it is most definitely not yours that they made such a cock up of it in the first place.
This sort of thing makes my blood boil. I'd get back on the phone and refuse to get off it until this is sorted to your satisfaction. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
thanks lesley ,i clearly dont think im strong even to fight this no more ,all the stress of this is not helping my depression and im finding myself reduced to tears again !!!
Cheryl offered to make the call for you Jet, and I'd take her up on it if I were you next time you see her... truly... or else head off to the CAB when you're feeling up to it. They'll sort this out for you.
im going to take cheryl up on the offer but i dont want to stress her out anymore than wot she is !!
Hi hun. Im here. Give it one more go and threaten them with watchdog also tell them enough is enough and it is theft but on their behalf as they have sent it to someone else. I know you have dealt with the other lady but this is not your issue and as far as they are concerned it could be someone that works there friend! Time to inform the police too??? Or at least tell them you are. If not let me know hun, im ready for a have been in touch!
ooooh Cheryl... work shouldn't contact you when you're off sick...
hey jo would you belive the NHS can contact u but i think only by letter ,has i work for the NHS to and they do wot they like .......... ***************** thats a swear word !!!
Hmmm well the ambulance service do. They say im just making sure you are ok and of there is anything we can do just let us know. Translated that means we are checking you are truly sick because you have annual leave booked. If i was ok id be at work and what the f*** are they going to do to help me? Bring my baby back coz thats all thats going to get me back to work any quicker.
Sorry for the rant on your post jet but they have really got to me. She is going to call when out of her meeting as so far its all been missed calls and answer phone messages
im going to swear now , they are all cheeky b******ds and if it was them wot would they do !! i dont blame you lovey !!
Ok panic over. She called and wanted me to talk about what happened and spoke about my 1st baby so i ended up in tears. She is sending me to see someone and say that talking to them might help. I have to agree. I dont thing i ever properly grieved or got over my first loss, which was more traumatic that this one but both upsetting. At least thats work off my case for a while. I said i would text her tomorrow to let her know what the dr says.
I really feel for you Cheryl and I think that perhaps this will be a therapeutic thing for you to do...

I know it's your field etc but sometimes talking to someone totally neutral can help you reveal things you wouldn't to someone close to you (like your husband, or even your family) for fear of reopening their wounds.

I really should have seen someone when I lost my Mum... even now, 13 years on, I'm sure having been the one to keep the stiff upper lip - as I was her carer throughout - and not having grieved properly afterwards hasn't done me any favours.

Take care of you Cheryl...
cheryl hunny u r going down the rite line because i did it when dan passed i went back to work and tried to cope but in the end it all caved in ,and sometimes its hard to accept and seek help so u get the help that u need and dont worry wot anyone says at all !!!

and jo i feel for u too having a stiff upper lip i tried and caved (have u never spoke to anyone about ur loss hunny ) !!