Official weekly weigh in.

Wow well done everyone - Jo back on track and Laura - WELCOME to Conso :)
Everyone else brilliant losses - jaqys very impressive!

No change here (62.5kg), yay!
fantastic all :D!!! Jo see your fruit is obviously working for you!! so so pleased!
Excellent losses... and Robin CONGRATULATIONS at reaching your target weight!
Wow, great results all round. (Am not quite at my target weight, Jo, but am not going to be difficult over 200 gr, if I follows Anja's fluctuations - hopefully down more than up - then the last wee bit will probably come off anyway in time).

Hope you feel better soon, Sue.
well done to all who ave lost and those and to those who sts !!!
Welldone, alottolose!

This is my first official MiniMins Dukan Forum weigh-in. After my first week in Cruise, I've lost 2lbs. The weird thing is that it actually looks like more than that as my shape has really visibly changed for the better this week. I can fit into my favourite coat again (with all of the buttons fastened up - just) and I've lost 1.5" from around my waist since last Sunday. Maybe it's the ketosis thing, getting rid of the fat, but leaving the muscle?
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Hiya DukanDebut :)

You've hit the nail on the head with something I've been thinking/feeling for a while...this diet is great for women who want to keep their shape but make things fit better :)...

I love the fact certain nasty areas (backfat/tummy wobble) are the first areas to see improvement :D.... love dukan! :D....

congrats on your first weigh in and on your loss :) xxx
Thanks, alottolose! :)

Aw, no, the dreaded backfat! I never, ever had that until the last couple of years. I really think it does look a bit less, but it would be fab if I could get rid of it completely. You've given me a bit of hope back. :D

Yes, I love my curves and don't want to be straight up and down, I just want to have a nice, firm, defined shape again.

Are you doing toning exercises? Because I think that also might be helping me a lot. Pilates is fantastic for flattening that tum and cutting down on wobble. I do that 4 days a week after walking. I'd definitely recommend it!
Well done dukandebut!

Oh and to all the losers and sts's.

I too am declaring a loss of 2 lbs this week! That's a total of 7.5lbs in 2 weeks.!!!
well done losers
hey a loss is a loss well done xx
Well done everyone!

(Vickki, 800 gr is still a great loss:)).
well done vikki !!! well im up a pound r so ahh well it had to happen sometime like u said vicks !!!!!!!!