Lots2lose YOU are doing great.... their is a picture gallery on this site an it shows before and afters... very inspirational. Set a goal for yourself, it's ok be a little selfish. That is a healthy mentality when dieting.
A friend of mine that needed to loose best guess 60-70lbs. She began weight watchers and was not trying to do this overnight, just slow and steady. Incorporating how her and her husband ate into the big picture. Both are in their late 50's. Today she is in the 120lb range. Her goal was a pound or 2 each month, but it worked for her. She changed her lifestyle of food. The husband lost weight to and was not even trying, she just changed that one meal a day for him. Her tape floats around in my head and has really helped me keep things in perspective. Clinically they say it takes 30 days to change a persons habits. Bread is my nemesis or Heroin as I refer to it here.
AM weigh in 163 and that is without walks this week. The Foot.