Got to do it this time!!
....have had a good few days 'off' - had a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday - home baking from heaven (or hell!!) and I did really well during it - but when everyone had gone?? Oh deary me! I ha more carbs in one go than I have had for 6 weeks!! An BOY did I suffer - sore tummy, bloated, wind (TMI?!) - I have no desire for carbs now - too painful! Does anyone else experience similar symptoms when they slip up? Oh well - we made £201 from the coffee morning - so not all bad - and weighed myself this morning - and only half a pound on! Dodged a bullet there I think! Back on track now - have had my oat bran porridge, a cup of coffee, roast chicken for lunch and prawn curry for tea. Onwards and downwards!!