Big, busty and Blowsy!
Hi Sue, sorry for your troubles.
Everyone has given really good advice, but knowing the sort of person you are, I knew you couldn't cut the old "dear" off completely.
It goes against your lovely nature to be unforgiving to her and I bet in the back of your head there's the thought that you are the only person she speaks to.
I agree that you should cut down contact to once or twice a week and then maybe she will realise what a fantastic friend she has in you and stop the negative comments.
Much love, Rosie
Everyone has given really good advice, but knowing the sort of person you are, I knew you couldn't cut the old "dear" off completely.
It goes against your lovely nature to be unforgiving to her and I bet in the back of your head there's the thought that you are the only person she speaks to.
I agree that you should cut down contact to once or twice a week and then maybe she will realise what a fantastic friend she has in you and stop the negative comments.
Much love, Rosie