Thanks girls. And feeling much better now DNSF.
I must admit to a sneaky peek at the scales this morning. Now, I don't usually do this (well I'm lying actually, I DO, but don't really take any notice until it's official weigh-in day), but was pleased to see that they reported a 2lb loss so far!!
So now that I've seen that, I'm spurred on even more! (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this diet?? LOL!)
But saying that, it's TOTM so ANYTHING can happen between now and Tuesday morning.
On another note, and quite off topic, I have not been sleeping brilliantly lately. Didn't know if it was the diet, or hubby snoring and waking me, or whatever, but had a revelation the other night.
I realised it might be down to the fact that the bedroom is too light at night for me. We used to have a venetian blind, but hubby decided he wanted to replace that and got vertical instead. Also, the neighbour directly opposite has a security light which goes on when someone walks past and this shines in my bedroom, not directly, but you can certainly tell when it comes on! Also the local council replaced the street lighting in our road a few months ago.
This has all added to the fact that my bedroom is much lighter at night than it used to be. Now I'm someone who needs it to be as dark as possible in the bedroom, pitch black is perfect.
So I have just discovered blackout curtain linings!!!!! WOW, what a revelation!!! Can't tell you how much difference it has made!!! And can't believe I never thought of it sooner!
I know I sound like a right saddo, but I can't stop raving about them!! Ha ha ha ha!
The last two nights have been brilliant!!! I still wake up for a pee (nothing is EVER going to change that I don't think), but it's soooooo much easier getting to sleep!