Awwwww bless you all
It's been a rollercoaster of a few weeks to be honest, you know I made a formal complaint. Well the comments I made really made them take notice, firstly we had a big meeting, loads of people there to discuss what's been going on. Turns out they are short staffed & some of the staff they do have are in their word "work in progress" they admit there has been instances of neglect & my nan's care hasn't been up to standard. I had passed it on to the CQC & apparently I'm not the only one so they have been down & done a spot check on the ward. Plus I was watching the news one night & there was a report about a baby that had been "neglected" - he had died - poor mite. The interview by the parents were exacytl what I had been saying about the care on my nan so I got in touch with them & they are investigating too.
Ok now onto the important bit my nan. She has been up & down good & bad days. We have been going as much as we can to ensure she is being looked after properly. We had another meeting yesterday where basically they told us because of her age they are not going to do anything more for her. So we are being faced with a decision on whether she goes home with a care package or we try & find her a care home. It was a bit of a shock as previously they had said that she would make near enough a full recovery. I think both my uncle & I are of the same thoughts that she should maybe go into a care home - not that she is going to like it, but at the moment she still thinks that she can do things & if she was to go home & no one was there she could have a fall etc.... plus the fact she is bed ridden now so all she would be doing is waiting for the next person to come in. Ultimatley though they said she is going to get infection after infection & each time she will become weaker & weaker, until......... It's been hard for me to accept, she has been such a major part of my life, more of a mother to me than my own & mainly the reason i have turned out the way I have.
I feel absolutley dreadul about it but I can't given up my job to look after her & my uncle has said he would do all the practical stuff but he just can't wash her "bits" & stuff.
So now next week we have a meeting on getting things kicked off - the hosiptal don't know what our decision is yet but they did say she need continuous care so I think they are trying to steer us in that direction.
TDM's brother has had the all clear regarding cancer but they still aren't happy with him so he is undergoing more tests.
I now have a prolasped disc - I've had them before hence me having 3 operations
so I am suffering too
Diet is hit & miss - some good days & some not so good but I guess I can be forgiven
My nan had lost 2st in 6 weeks !!!! I think that's mainly because they were leaving her food tray out of reach.
Apart from that I still haven't got my place fully emptied & let out but I am giving TDM lists of things to do at his
We've fully moved bedrooms now & that is all finished. He moaned about it as men do but secretly I know he is pleased with it as I overheard him showing it off to his daughter.
Thank you all so much for thinking about me, much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx