Silver Member
lols! well that's good.
Yeah my ex wouldn't have looked after our son if he knew I was going to be seeing someone. Apparently I should be at home raising our child without a BF or any form of social life, yet he is married? I see how that works.
And that's good. I wish you all the best on your date. Sounds like fun, I'm thinking about smacking Lee in a minute and telling him to take me out. lol
lol exes hey? thier dad is the bain of my life, last time i got a man he called me all the names under the sun, making out i was a s**g, and was very nasty to me, ive learned not to bother saying anything now, not that im bothered what he thinks, i just hate the way he thinks he can put me down in front of our kids
anyway, exes are not worthy of being spoken about on here lol...........and yeah love give him a wack and get him told whos boss haha