Call me Nicky xx
yabba dabba doo !!
Add to this:I love Jezza!
Forgive me Forum for I have Synned!
This week I have had:
2x takeaways consisting of battered sausage, chips and curry sauce
1x pub dinner gammon chips and peas with onion rings followed by strawberries and ice cream and thorntons chocolate birthday cake and 2 tia DC's
1x BBQ 3 burgers, crisps, pork pie and birthday cake and half a bottle of Malibu!
2x toad in the holes (small ones)
There's probably more but that's all I can recall atm
I just been really brave and added my syns up!! 61.5:character00182:
Wraps 18
Shorties 4
cookies 6
space raiders 3
kitkat chunky 14.5
mcflurry 16
Thats a weeks worth in 2 days!!! :sign0007:
In my defence .. I asked DA to get me a Curly Wurly from the shop, but he got me KitKat Chunky.. would have been rude not to eat it.. also was having a nice shopping trip with H and we stopped for Mcflurry.. I did resist sausage and chips from the chip shop which H had for lunch.... Also for my pennance I am eating quorn sausages!!!