Hi all,this is what I do for quiche and I lose every week!
Basic Quiche
3 eggs,tub of very low fat cottage cheese,salt and pepper.lean bacon,onions,mixed herbs.fresh tomato.
Fry off chopped bacon and onion,add s&p,herbs.Put in bottom of flan tin lined with foil.
Beat eggs with cottage cheese,pour over bacon,cook on medium heat middle of oven 15 mins,take back out to put sliced toms on top pop back in till firm on top and golden.
Serve with a big salad/veg some new potatoes.(syn your spuds)
you can eat half for lunch,rest for your tea.or the lot in one go if you cant resist!
Also do salmon and brocolli,ham and mushroom,leek and cheese(1a box),turkey and cranberry(for xmas),gammon and pineapple.whatever you like thats free with the egg mix to hold it together.The family wont be able to resist either! Maz