abz how are you doing at 21 weeks.. My friend is due Feb 21st and she says she says that she hates being pregant in the sense that her son kicks her all night, the swelling feet and etc..
ha. i think i'm going to lock the door and not let anyone in jim
am doing fine thanks morena. i'm not sleeping well, so am a bit grumpy at times, but who isn't sickness comes and goes. but to be honest, being kept awake by baby kicking is better than just not being able to get comfy which is my main problem. at least it's nice to feel the baby kicking at least so far
abz glad to hear that you are doing well but I don't blame you for being grumpy from a lack of sleep and not being able to get comfy... You still alittle ways to go so try and rest when you can..
ha. i'm working 10 hour shifts babes so can't rest during the day. am off tomorrow and friday and i intend to sleep in on both. of course this probably means i won't be able to...
wow 10 hour shifts.. don't forget to rest and take care if you and the little one.. Hopefully you'll be able to rest or just sit in bed and watch TV and relax..