the first week is usually a big loss cos we lose all our excess water , but water or fat, it's still excess!! Looking forward to hearing how you do.
I hope you continue to feel like you are too because when i felt like that i felt great, thought i was through it but it got so much worse lol. I've eaten fairly well today tho - ie - 2 meals and a few snacks lol. My legs don't feel like jelly anymore either which is awesome cos i've been missing the gym loads.
It is really liberating to feel satisfied though isn't it, i know what you mean! its friday night and i've not drunk a drop nor scoffed a load of crap (my usual weekend ritual), yeah i'm a little bored, but only cos hubby came home from work knackered and has gone to bed early so i can't annoy him!!! lol. two weeks in now though so technically i could drink after this weekend , but we're meant to be detoxing for amonth, i say i need a drink to replace the food at the weekend but he says the money we save on drink is paying for all my "special food"!! lol