Total Solution On off on off on iffy on off


Hi there, I keep starting total solutions & slip off within the week. I successfully dieted for my wedding 2 years ago & stopped on the honeymoon (although my appetite had reduced). Since then I have been on & off Cambridge, exante & s&s. The weight has gone on again & i have changed up my wardrobe back to frumpy clothes. I even had a good stab on here, minimins last time & still slipped off the wagon! I know this is no good, I get terrible stomach pains from my body having to adjust all the time. So here goes again, boom or bust!

Day 1
Mixed a vanilla shake with coffee & took in my travel cup so lasted a good 10-15 mins & feeling full on my commute.

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Hiya Jess, well done for getting back on this wagon and good luck. :)
You so know it works, so I hope you find your motivation to stick at it again!

I honestly find reading every ones diaries helps to keep me positive, motivated and ups my will power! :hug99: xx