Day 12 &13.... Refeeding has commenced!!!! Well 2 days earlier than I decided, had a big think about it and I decided to start the refeed process then move to slimming world original plan.
The prompt for this was I'm a bit OCD about doing thing 100% and if I get a whiff that I won't then I shouldn't be on this diet, I suppose this diet isn't like calorie counting were you can have a doughnut and cut back on something else or excercise once you have it, it kicks u out of ketosis and it's extremely difficult not to keep eating or picking ( btw I didn't have a doughnut !!?) Ketosis is the main reason for the weight loss. If could get rid of my all or nothing thinking I would but I need more wiggle room, so as a along term plan this is not the diet for me. I'm going to refeed for the week and then swap to slimming world to get down to 11st.
My final weigh was 12st 7lbs a lost of 18lbs in 11 days not to shabby and I did this 100%. It a difficult diet and the main thing I missed more than food is the ability to excercise without feeling dizzy at the time or I'll the next day, I've always been an active person and I had to stop that to do the diet or it would be ineffective due to the very low calorie intake, I struggled with this and this is also a big reason to come of earlier than planned and restart my training, I ran a 1/2 marathon last march and want to train for the manchester marathon in April can't do that on this diet and I'm running out of training time.
So the next part of my journey with be documented on the slimming world site, I'll stay on here until I've finished the refeed and try to give u a rundown on how I do, but in the mean time amigos I wish you luck, and success in your journey xx


) x