Hi everyone!
So finally I have my motivation back, after some stupid d*ck decided to call me fat and after I said I've actually lost 3 stone, he said '3 to go' went on to say '6 stone to lose, how can anyone be that fat?' and to top it all off, he's obviously not looked in the mirror recently if you get my drift.... Oh well, it's spurred me on to finish this damn diet!!!!!
So today I've weighed myself at 13 stone exactly. Over the past few months I've been yoyo-ing between 12.8 - 13 stone and not getting anywhere. I need to do this now!
Oh and thanks for the kind words re the interview

the interview went really well. It was the manager of the team I wanted the job in and a woman from HR I didnt know who was interviewing me. I answered all the questions and said everything I wanted to say. No blank silences like usual and I came out feeling good for once. Got in to work yesterday and had an email saying I was unsuccessful

then the manager who interviewed me called me in for some feedback which actually made it worse as he said I was so close to getting it and it was between me and another candidate but he chose them. He said I gave really good answers and he knows I have a really good work ethic etc and said if another position comes up he wants me to apply. And he said because he knew all 5 candidates, he left it to the HR woman to choose. I would have been ok with this except for the fact the person I lost out to is the most immature, arrogant and rude man I have ever met in my life. He always makes rude comments about everyone and it's a total surprise that he hasn't been sacked yet. The manager who interviewed me was saying in the interview that he was worried about the dynamics of the team and didn't want to put someone in there who would disrupt things. He has totally chosen the wrong candidate and I'm so angry and upset about it. Everyone in the office who has said sorry I didn't get the job etc have said they are not happy with the fact this other lad got it and they all think he's the wrong person too. Even a lady who works on that team told me they all wanted me to get it, and the whole team said he would have been the last person they would have chosen. That team are all very mature and get their head down working and this lad just messes about constantly. He's had so many complaints made about him!! I feel a bit cheated to be honest. But there's nothing I can do..
So I'm back on cd today. Not even had my first shake yet! Got a night out on Friday so I'll have to be off it that night then hopefully back on the next day. Going to be around here more often
Hope everyone is good xx