One last go at CD!

Mckenzie find a chemist online that sells eurodiet or lipitrim and just use them for a week hun nearer the time xx

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Well done on the loss Mckenzie :)

I am officially back tomorrow. Been at OH's graduation today and it was really good! Will try and post a pic of us if he will give up the computer for 2 seconds!!! House hunting not going too well :( there's literally nothing about at all and all the nice houses are too far out! Decided I'm going to spend the money I would have spend on my holiday on driving lessons instead. Will make life so much easier!

Back at work tomorrow after a week off.... How is everyone tonight? I am shattered!
Heres a pic from today :)


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Looking fab felix! Love the hair love the dress!!! Amazing! X
Aww thank you so much :) I felt really frumpy because I didn't wear heels and there were loads of skinny beautiful elegant girls there but I don't look too bad on the photos. I had a really good day though! I've realised I don't look as disgusting on photos anymore so might stop avoiding cameras as much as I used to...
Thanks everyone :)

Failed again on my first day back :( I don't want to keep eating crap but I can't face the shakes!!!! Don't know what to do.

Got an interview tomorrow for another role at work which I really really want. Just had to go to asda and buy something to wear for the interview because I don't have anything! Got a cream tunic type thing with black Peter pan collar and black bows printed all over it. It's really cute! Got some black leggings and some cream and black pumps to wear. It looks pretty smart so should be ok. I'm so nervous as I'm crap at interview but ive done some preparation today so fingers crossed!
Hi everyone!

So finally I have my motivation back, after some stupid d*ck decided to call me fat and after I said I've actually lost 3 stone, he said '3 to go' went on to say '6 stone to lose, how can anyone be that fat?' and to top it all off, he's obviously not looked in the mirror recently if you get my drift.... Oh well, it's spurred me on to finish this damn diet!!!!!

So today I've weighed myself at 13 stone exactly. Over the past few months I've been yoyo-ing between 12.8 - 13 stone and not getting anywhere. I need to do this now!

Oh and thanks for the kind words re the interview :) the interview went really well. It was the manager of the team I wanted the job in and a woman from HR I didnt know who was interviewing me. I answered all the questions and said everything I wanted to say. No blank silences like usual and I came out feeling good for once. Got in to work yesterday and had an email saying I was unsuccessful :( then the manager who interviewed me called me in for some feedback which actually made it worse as he said I was so close to getting it and it was between me and another candidate but he chose them. He said I gave really good answers and he knows I have a really good work ethic etc and said if another position comes up he wants me to apply. And he said because he knew all 5 candidates, he left it to the HR woman to choose. I would have been ok with this except for the fact the person I lost out to is the most immature, arrogant and rude man I have ever met in my life. He always makes rude comments about everyone and it's a total surprise that he hasn't been sacked yet. The manager who interviewed me was saying in the interview that he was worried about the dynamics of the team and didn't want to put someone in there who would disrupt things. He has totally chosen the wrong candidate and I'm so angry and upset about it. Everyone in the office who has said sorry I didn't get the job etc have said they are not happy with the fact this other lad got it and they all think he's the wrong person too. Even a lady who works on that team told me they all wanted me to get it, and the whole team said he would have been the last person they would have chosen. That team are all very mature and get their head down working and this lad just messes about constantly. He's had so many complaints made about him!! I feel a bit cheated to be honest. But there's nothing I can do..

So I'm back on cd today. Not even had my first shake yet! Got a night out on Friday so I'll have to be off it that night then hopefully back on the next day. Going to be around here more often :)

Hope everyone is good xx
Hi felix

There loss, stand your ground and good things will happen, just wasn't meant to be this time. It sounds like your well liked and did a good job so next time.

In regards to cd, you can do it!! What's your goal? Set it plus a timescale that will help with motivation. I started 29th June 13 st 4 am now 12 st 2. Wanna be 10 st 7 by 16th September. I've hD no cheats yet!! But starting to struggle.... Have a planned break 31st for wedding anniversary then back on it!

You can do it felix x
Kiwili said:
Hi felix

There loss, stand your ground and good things will happen, just wasn't meant to be this time. It sounds like your well liked and did a good job so next time.

In regards to cd, you can do it!! What's your goal? Set it plus a timescale that will help with motivation. I started 29th June 13 st 4 am now 12 st 2. Wanna be 10 st 7 by 16th September. I've hD no cheats yet!! But starting to struggle.... Have a planned break 31st for wedding anniversary then back on it!

You can do it felix x

Thank you :) my mum said the same, that i obviously do a good job and have a good reputation so something better will come along. I just hope that's true!

Wow you have done so well!!! I would like to lose another 3 stone to take me down to 10st but ideally I'd like to be 9.7ish. When I get close to my goal I'm going to switch to ww or slimming world so I know what sort of things I can actually eat. I've been on and off cd since November last year and I need to finish it. I have my 21st birthday party in 3 weeks time so would like to get down to 12.7 at least by then and then get the rest off as soon as possible really! :D
Good luck Felix!

Im currently following the Slimming World plan but I have done CD in the past and it was a complete success for me! When I was 19 I was 7stones over weight and diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and was advised to start trying for a family earlier rather then later as I have quite a severe case, basically if I didn't do something then about my weight and family planning then I may never have had children, which scared the hell out of me! My doctor was pretty sure I would need to take the IVF route to fall pregnant. It was the kick up the arse I needed to do something about my weight gain. I always wanted a family and I had been with my partner for 3 years so at that point we both decided we were on the same page and were ready. My doctor recommended CD for me and I went on to lose 3st 13lbs in 11weeks and felt fab! I was only half way there but amazingly fell pregnant! To my surprise the weight stayed off throughout my pregnancy (mainly due to sickness lol) but by the end I had only gained around a stone which I was extremely happy about. Obviously I am still overweight hence why Im following SW but only down to financial reasons, I would do CD again in a shot if I could afford it. Sorry about the essay! Im sure you will do really well :) Be good to hear how you get along x Sherrie x
Thanks Sherrie for sharing your story! It made me all warm and fuzzy inside haha. Im so glad cd worked for you :) I just need to stay motivated and I've realised that this forum helps me do that. If I stay away I cheat even more! x
Oh bless you lol. If you believe in yourself you will succeed! Im new to this site and my post before was my first ever one so Im glad it has helped someone on their journey. Weight loss is hard but is worth it! :) x
Sherrie, I also diagnosed with pcos at 19!!! Same as you lost 3 stone doing low GI. Then at 29 fell pregnant whoop, however put on 4.5 stone!!! Ate a lot of cream... So lost 3st naturally breast feeding, then broke my leg!! Put on 1.5 stone!! So 3 st to loose before ttc baby number 2. Hoping to start September.

Come on ladies we can do it!!
good luck ladies.

welcome back felix. what a nasty comment - *insert many man!y swear words* - dont let that moron get you down - you look amazing!

sorry about the job, perhaps this guy will get the boot once and for all - but def take the many positives from the experience!

you be back losing in no time! :)