Gosh ! Ive got loads to catch up on !
Im only going to say this ! Take note Gwen!
If you loose 2lb a week in 28 weeks.... brings you to Aug ... you will have lost 56lb which is 4 stone. So you CAN do this and you WILL DO THIS !! As we will support you 150%. We can ALL OF US ACHIEVE WHAT WE WANT IN LIFE, All we have to do is, CHOOSE THE PATH, AND FOLLOW IT !
I have a very positive head on tonight !
Sometimes, we people can take us for granted, sounds like you need the word "NO" in your vocabulary !
Do you think the Kebab, was related to how you were feeling ? ... Emotional eating... Don't get down hun tho, it makes you human to the rest of us, who see you as a great inspiration and someone who always has a lovely word to say..
You counted the kebabs.... so with your MIL's wedding, I am sure you will do the same there hun, but you need to be able to let your hair down occasionally !
If you constantly have losses and no gains, how will you ever learn from mistakes, as these are usually the greatest lessons in life .
Im sure you are not the size of a warehouse, or you would be mega rich, as you would be that fat, you would be in all the magazines and have tv programmes made all about you... (just trying to lighten the mood hun

well at least you told the MIL how you felt.... :8855:
Cant you say to her, how much you all loved the fruit kebabs, and are much more tastier than the *****
Hope you have a great weekend! We will all be waiting to see how you have done !
Welcome Joanne, Sounds to me like you have a really thoughtfull MIL...
Nowt you can do about them hun, the only thing is, don't let them effect you, that will pee them off more than you ever standing arguing with them. Take the higher ground on this family !
Gonna miss you too !
I just hope you don't come back feeling guilty if you have ate a peanut lol
Ruth, welcome on board, us lot on here, are a nice bunch !
Well done on your first wi ! How amazing

you have lost in 1 week, what has taken me 9 weeks ! But Im still here, after the good and bad weeks !
And next year, you will be able to say you are in the 10 stone bracket ! as long as you stick to the diet.... 1 year !
Im glad I don't live where you live, Id be in prison lol.
Hope your shoulder gets better soon ! lol
I was expecting a text this morning to tell me !
So you not happy with a STS ? would you prefer a gain ?
Drop your points to 29, see how you do with that... ! thats what Im on. I wish I was on 31 !
Hope everyone has a great weekend !
BTW, its took me 35 mins, to reply to all these posts !
Think I deserve a drink !
Love you all soooo much !
Lisa xx