OMG, got loads to reply to lol !
Bread does that sometimes as well - 2pps per slice but 5pps if you have two slices. Freaks me out a bit - I'd eat them separately if I thought I could save a point - LOL.
I'm off to play badminton again tonight before weigh in - do you think this might mess up my weigh in?
Emms x
Even though I have responded to this before... about the badminton, I didn't think until now about the bread... calorie controlled bread is 1pt per slice, and 3 points for 2, So I hope you are not adding points on that you shouldnt be !
Just had sumthing yummy & wanted to share it. Fresh strawberries dipped in cadburys light choc mousse. 2 points & well worth it! Yum yum xxx
Sounds delish! Have you tried the Mint Aero mousses ? awwwww... heavenly !
Ahh Lisa, chin up chicken. Remember u r doin this journey 4 u & it doesn't matter wot anyone else does. I know its hard Hun, my next-door neighbor has bin being gud for 3 weeks & has lost 16lb! Made up for him but can't help feeling jealous. Don't do anything silly, ive bin there & done all that and it's not worth it. I swear that's why I struggle to lose weight now, think I f****d my metabolism up wiv being stupid. Sending u a big dolly cuddle xxxx
Glad Im not the only one who gets pissed off with themselves for not doing aswell as others!..
Lisa - don't be disheartened, hope you get sorted at Doc's.Can't beleive the results of your 'spooks' session with the camera thingy! We'll be calling you Nancy Drew pretty soon! 
Gail you make me laugh with your posts!!
So I lost a pound tonight! Not bad going after yesterdays curry and my TOTM appeared today, and after the badminton too!!
Did the loser dance in the kitchen and ended up hitting my hubby on the hand with a spoon! He's got a bruise already - but was so chuffed that I was happy he didn't mind..LOL
Sending everyone big hugs!
Emms xx
I had to go and look up who Nancy Drew was ! Shame on me, as Im a book lover !
Ha ha! I mite start hitting my hubby with a spoon everytime I lose a pound lol. Wot an incentive that wud b!!! I've lost 5.5pm so far so mite giv him a gud hiding now! Well dun on ur pound, that's brill especially after curry. Tc Hun xxxx
ROFLMAO! Just thought though Gail, we are now at the same weight loss ! 5.5lbs !
Oh lisa i knw hun its dreadful when that happens. My best friend is doing ww and eats out 3 or 4 times a wk and is losing faster than me and we both do the same amount of walking a day. But hopefully you will get a reason for it tomorrow and can get sorted x x
She must be doing summat different! Take aways ... that often ... !! not right that lol
I put a pound on if i look at a take away menu !
Ive lost 34 so my poor hubby is going to be in bits

how are you today x x x
:8855: Can you imagine !
I'm so missing doin the loser dance. My incentive is to beat OH wi a spoon.
Well summat really weird happened last night. I've been messing bout wi WW, yoyoin up & down etc etc. Went to bed & woke up this morn & remembered avin a dream. It was about me bein fat & met this woman who was fitness instructor. She was lecturing me bout my weight, how it's affecting me and gave me some words of wisdom. Cannot remember exactly, but hope I do during the day. Silly stuff like theres only me controlling what goes in my mouth. I have to work for the diet to make it work for me or summat like that. How weird. Let's hope the guru has beaten the devil with a spoon & sits on my shoulder & reminds me of what I want to be. Xxxxkayxxx
Maybe you don't need to remember what she said, its already had an effect on you! She must have been your Guardian Angel... there when you need her most !
Hey girls!
Well done on your loss this week Emms, I had a stay the same which I am happy with as we missed weigh in last week and it is always hard to stay focussed for 2 weeks without a weigh in, well for me it is lol. I hope Hubby's hand has recovered a little this morning lol.
Good luck with the Doctor's Lisa!
Kay, what an inspiring dream, I hope you remember it. In fact I may have a way to help you, help us all as I was coming here to post something really quite relevant.
Now I have a little personal challenge for everyone. I have gorged myself on the whole of the last US season of Biggest loser over the weekend. We have a crosstrainer in front of the TV and we bought some resistance bands, dumbbells and a floor mat. So we haven't been sat on the sofa just watching it the entire time, but actually exercising while watching it too (and chopping veggies for meals, and knitting

). One of the things they did for the final four contestants to keep them focussed while at home for the last few months before the finale was to give them a dvd containing the highs and lows of their journey at the Ranch. One of the things they didn't show before was each of them recorded a message to themselves just before they started, telling the future slimmer them why they needed to lose the weight and never go back to before.
So my challenge is this, record a video or write a letter to your future self. It can be a letter to you at goal weight, or for you to open when you're lacking willpower. Perhaps you want to write a few letters to yourself at different goals you want to achieve. You don't have to share it with anyone but the future you, so write it from the heart, take responsibility and get rid of any excuses or blame. Oh lastly before you start you might want to grab a box of tissues as I fully expect tears
Good luck ladies, let me know how you get on xxxx
thats a great idea! I may never get to read mine tho pmsl (only joking)
I STS but after the week I have had its good enough for me for sure!!!!
I'm just off to hit Andy with a spoon although I know he won't appreciate it as he is asleep
Well done everyone else and I hope that you're all ok!!!
STS is as good as a loss, at least its not a gain !
Well I went to the doctors this morning, had my blood test... Don't like needles, but I did it!
Im back on Monday to get results, and if it isn't thyroids, then Im being put on Orlistat.. or what ever they are called. Then I will do monthly weigh in's with them aswell.
I was in the total wrong frame of mind for the last few days, but not today.
Ive decided to not eat bread or bacon for a week. Or any bread I do have can ONLY BE WW. and NO MORE THAN 2. I think that I can manage that well...
Ive pointed today... leader told me to do 29 points... OMG, I want my 31 back ! She calculated the points I was on, and it said 29, but I started on 31, she said that they don't normally reduce point allowance, till you have lost a stone... good to know that I thought, so if you are struggling to loose, I think that you should check the points you should be on for the weight you are NOW, not when you started..
Today I have planned.
2 boiled eggs 4
milk 5
sugar 2
soup 3
150g potatoes (4 baby new potatoes!) 3
123g smoked haddock 3
carrots 0
peas 0
broccoli 0
parsely sauce 2
need something else on there though, as I think Ill be starving come night time!
just done 3 just dance songs, not doing any more, as my back is really hurting.
But I am swimming tomorrow night !
Have a good tuesday everyone !
Lisa xx