One SW day at a time

Friday - WI day

Half a pound off - heh! Well, I did have a wobbly old weekend so I'm happy with that. Must try harder this week!

Yesterday was a good productive day at work, got loads done and felt a sense of accomplishment. Still got a lot to finish up today but hoping to get it done this morning and then I can take it a bit easy this afternoon. Got a super busy weekend coming up - almost dreading it, that ain't good!

Yesterday - Extra Easy

Breakfast - 2 x boiled eggs with celery salt. Foamy melon :mad:. Coffee with almond milk (A)

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Lunch - Butternut squash and sweet potato soup with ham.

Dinner - Hot mackerel and new potato salad with watercress, samphire and horseradish dressing (1)


Snacks - Pineapple, Muller light, Ryvita (B), Laughing cow (3)

Total syns - 4
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We're going to Dublin on 6th Sept for lunch & Bob is taking me to an award winning (best in the world I think) pub, i'll let you know how it goes, I know you think Dublin may be a long way but not too long on the plane & you can go & come back in a day (we are), and flights are cheap!!!

Blimey, that is a way to go for a pint! It puts me not wanting to do an hours' drive to Herne Bay to shame! It actually sounds like such a fun thing to do. What's the name of the pub? x
I wouldn't say that pub was nice enough for a birthday treat! I've been racking my brains to remember the name of my favourite pub in Essex and I just CAN'T! It was on a normal road and was just this really old place with a huge roaring fire and a lovely garden in the summer and fabulous, fabulous food..I spent many a happy Sunday afternoon in there getting gently tipsy. Argh! Why can't I remember the name of it? I'll will keep on trying to remember it for you.

I did Dublin in a day - I think the flights were about a quid - we had an utter blast!

Ooh where was it? There are some lovely old pubs in Essex, the only thing is that I like a drink but its always me on the soda and lime (cheapo!). Can you remember the area?

Dublin for a squid? I am defo looking into this!
ps Well done on the 1/2 off!
Ooh where was it? There are some lovely old pubs in Essex, the only thing is that I like a drink but its always me on the soda and lime (cheapo!). Can you remember the area?

Dublin for a squid? I am defo looking into this!

See, I'm thinking it was round Buckhurst Hill way, because we used to meet our friend who lived in that area - but it's not quite right. Infuriating! (My ex lived in Hainault so we did a lot of drinking around Epping Forest, Woodford, Buckhurst Hill). I'm sure it had a "Royal" name and thought it was the King William but that's not right - that's that big old place in Loughton. Oooh - there was a nice place called The Owl in Epping Forest, fantastic big garden there - we used to go for a trudge about and have a couple in there before going home. No idea what it's like now though, I'm going back about 6 years...
Yay well done on the loss, a loss is a loss at the end of the day :D

Blimey, that is a way to go for a pint! It puts me not wanting to do an hours' drive to Herne Bay to shame! It actually sounds like such a fun thing to do. What's the name of the pub? x

On my bucket list I have to fly somewhere for lunch and back in the same day, so Bob decided Dublin as we can do some geocaching at the same time. I can't remember the name of the pub, I'll find out & get back to you.

So yesterday was another good day. Managed to clear my desk completely hooray! Had a terribly annoying lunch break where if something could go wrong, it bloody well did!

Yesterday - Extra Easy

Breakfast - muller light yogurt

Lunch - Mackerel and potato salad (1)

Dinner - 2 x hot wings.

Whoops! Today is even worse! I've had a lentil and halloumi salad...peanut butter cream doughnut from Krispy crime. (I'm leaving that autocorrect as it's ACCURATE)


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Here to follow!


Wednesday - SO, I've been poorly for a couple of days. :sick:. Finally feel a bit brighter today so back on plan. I've decided to do a week from the new SW magazine (if I can afford it - it's stupid the way you have to have something completely different every single day, even different bloody yogurts and stuff) - I thought I might freeze leftover portions and then have them the following week. We'll see, I've got loads of stuff in the freezer I need to use up.
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I effing hate thursdays. I think I may have mentioned that before. :rolleyes:

So yesterday went well, stayed on plan which is positive! Bought a fantastic book called A Change Of Appetite. It is GORGEOUS and I am really looking forward to trying some of the recipes - so it looks like my plan to do a week of SW magazine food is scuppered. :D - seems to be for the best really as I don't have a spare grand to spend on food shopping this week.

Yesterday - Extra Easy

Breakfast - Muller vanilla yoghurt. Coffee with almond milk (Half A)

Lunch - Sainsbo's BGTY spinach and ricotta canneloni (6) with runner beans

Dinner - Mushroom and bacon risotto (B +3 for oil, half A for parmesan)


Doesn't look too pretty but it tasted good.

Snacks - Melon, apple

Total syns - 6

On the Agenda - um, work (yawn) bit of food planning, definitely going to give one of these recipes a bash tonight so bit of shopping at lunch time, home, cooking, bed.
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Hmm the Ris looks amazing. I have never cooked one before (shock horror), its more not being anused to stand around adding stock and watching it you ever do the oven baked ones? I was going to try it but using pearl barley instead of rice, whaddya recks?
Hmm the Ris looks amazing. I have never cooked one before (shock horror), its more not being anused to stand around adding stock and watching it you ever do the oven baked ones? I was going to try it but using pearl barley instead of rice, whaddya recks?

It's actually weirdly relaxing to make. Mind numbing stirring combined with the odd ladleful of stock, a little bit of music and just....OM... It's a bit like meditation. I think you'd deffo have to stir up a pearl barley risotto to be honest, I'm not sure it would break down enough to release the starch and make that creamy sauce. That's the problem with oven baked risottos for me - you have to put the work in to get the creaminess..ARF!

WI day, I forgot to weigh. I KNOW! I remembered after I'd drank two big cups of coffee so I didn't bother.

Day off work today - hooray, it all went a bit wrong though..horooooo.

So Thursdays food was :

Green day

Breakfast - pineapple

Lunch - OMG YOU GUISE! Itsu chicken Jaipur crystal noodle pot (1). A-amazing. Forget mugshots. Forget them immediately. This is the shizzle. Cottage cheese with ryvita (B) and salad


Dinner - Lentil, roast tomato and saffron soup from my lovely new book. WOOF! (B for oil - not really but let's use that B up in that way + 2)


Snacks - er. Jacket potato (AS A SNACK WTF?!)

Total Syns - 2
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Hello :) Good to see you posting and sounding so positive :)

I saw those crystal noodles in the latest magazine. They sound good, and handy to keep at work for lunches....will definitely have to search them out!

Much, much, much better day yesterday. Stayed 100% on plan without too much effort. Decided against soup for tea as I didn't get a lunch break so had a soupy thing for lunch instead. So had a nice hour in the kitchen cooking a new recipe - which was delicious.

Yesterday - Green

Breakfast - 2 x boiled eggs, anaemic pink grapefruit, coffee with almond milk (A)


Lunch - OK, so no lunch hour so had to rely on store cupboard stuff and luckily for me I had one of these bad boys to hand. It's got lovely big fat udon noodles, dried courgette and sun dried tomatoes and this lovely spicy broth. It was yummy. I'm really loving this Itsu stuff. I couldn't find the syn value on the website (because let's face it, that syn directory is about as hit and miss as it gets) so I did one of them calculator thingies and it came up as FREEEEEEEE! I can't believe that's right, but maybe it's because I was doing a green day. Whoop!


Dinner - Pilaf of mixed grains, sweet potato and fennel with halloumi (1 x A, 1.5 x B for cheese, 0.5 x B for oil). Very good, would be delicious with some lamb or chicken but I love halloumi with a frightening passion and I really liked the contrast between the salty cheese and the sweetness of the potato.


Pudding - Warm cherries, 2% greek yogurt (1), 1 tbsp agave nectar (1.5)

Snacks - Turkish delight muller, apple, coffee with almond milk (A)

Total Syns - 2.5
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Thursday - Up yours!

Blah blah blah, did work, did shopping, did cooking, went to bed.

Yesterday - Extra Easy.

Breakfast - 2% Greek yog (1) with figs and peaches and agave nectar (1.5). Coffee with almond milk (2)


Lunch - Leftover mixed grain pilau with sweetfire beetroot (2) and feta (A)


Dinner - Japanese ginger and garlic chicken (2), brown rice, pak choi and sugar snaps, cucumber with pickled ginger, garlic and mint. :drool: The chicken was really good with the weird cucumber thing. I bet I smell TERRIBLE today though, all that garlic! :giggle:. Nobody better mess with me today, I'll just breathe on them!


Snacks - After dinner mint muller (I think these are new, but they just taste like the old mint choc chips ones - which is fine obviously!). Glass of white wine (8)

Syns - 16.5 - whoops!
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Thursday - Up yours!

Blah blah blah, did work, did shopping, did cooking, went to bed. Off to Wales for the weekend to pick up my nana. Lee wants to drive down tomorrow night after work, but I've done that before and it is horrendous. :sigh:. I'm not sure what to do for the best. At least I'm staying with my favourite uncle this time and we're off on Saturday night to Cardiff Bay which will be fun.

Bah, I'm out of sorts this morning!

Yesterday - Extra Easy.

Breakfast - 2% Greek yog (1) with figs and peaches and agave nectar (1.5). Coffee with almond milk (2)

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Lunch - Leftover mixed grain pilau with sweetfire beetroot (2) and feta (A)

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Dinner - Japanese ginger and garlic chicken (2), brown rice, pak choi and sugar snaps, cucumber with pickled ginger, garlic and mint. :drool: The chicken was really good with the weird cucumber thing. I bet I smell TERRIBLE today though, all that garlic! :giggle:. Nobody better mess with me today, I'll just breathe on them!

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Snacks - After dinner mint muller (I think these are new, but they just taste like the old mint choc chips ones - which is fine obviously!). Glass of white wine (8)

Syns - 16.5 - whoops!

On The Agenda - packing for the weekend, dread! Buying a baby present for my cousin's new baby girl, deciding whether to drive down to Wales tomorrow night or not, general work stuff.

Oh my! How does your food look that good? Do you have a recipe for that chicken? Sounds amazing! Hope your day improves! :)