Check me out with the multiquote thang:
I did get a bit over excited when we first got there - it's all beautiful linen tablecloths and low lighting and freesias and BLISSFULLNESS. The service is incredible - Lee dropped his napkin, bent down to pick it up and a waiter was already standing there with a fresh one for him. His face was a picture!
It's in Pollen street which is just off Hanover Square. The total bill came to £200.00 which is A LOT of money for a meal, but it was worth every single penny! Going out to somewhere like this is something I try and do a couple of times a year TOPS and I just save a bit towards it (and eat beans for a week after!) until I've got enough to do it. The cocktails were incredible - I had a ginger one and Lee had one with Duche de Leche in it. :drool: Oh and I tell you something, they were really STRONG!
I loved every single moment of last night I must admit, and the OH is currently texting me love poems in gratitude - it's my birthday in 3 weeks so I did have an ulterior motive!![]()
Well this dinner was on me, Lee is a very, very generous man and it's so rare that he lets me pay for anything that I took the opportunity and ran with it!
I'd say that we are shrewd - that's a nice word for it eh?. Actually I have problems reining him in TBH, it's quite a nice problem to have though. I'm a very lucky woman.
In all seriousness, we did hit the place quite hard - 3 x cocktails, 2 glasses of wine, Lee had a big old rum and's the drinks that really bump the cost up really, so I think you could get away with spending a bit less (That pudding was basically unnecessary as well, bearing in mind all the little extras you get like the sorbet and the petit fours)
I'm astonished you haven't been swept away by a tide of :drool: from the rest of usThat menu looks amazing, I'm glad you did it justice!
I am knee deep in drool. Oh bleugh, what a thought!
........................................................................................................... < There's your line.
Back to it. You know you'll feel better when you're eating superfrees![]()
Garratty! I haven't heard that word in years Sally! Its up there with "doin my swede in" and "you plum" !!!
Forget about the Fruit Pastilles, they have fruit in the title, if they don't contain fruit then that's just false advertising and not at all your fault!
Lamb taggy looks fit!
Yay! Now I've hit 50 posts I can click the links in people's profile thingys and read their diaries!
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading yours, Sally. And love I Charley's reasoning when it comes to fruit pastilles and vodka... I feel the same way about chocolate covering anything remotely healthy like raisins or strawberries
That meal on Monday sounds fantabulous. Special occasion treats are very much allowed![]()
And did you check yourself before you wreck yourself...?
Too cool a phrase by the way. Simply epic.
Man alive, fruit pastilles ... what a sweet.
I checked myself and still wrecked myself!my syn total is currently on meh! I need devine intervention from St Salad, the patron saint of diets to get me a loss or a sts on Saturday weigh in, or I could just stop shovelling crap in me gob and hope for the best
Lisa x