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Stupid auto spell it's not Nairnshire's Nairns Oatcakes 
BeckyT said:Jumped on the scales this morning and I am 11st 12 3/4lbs eeek...
I've had a word with myself and I am fully back on it. I will get weighed again on Friday as that's my actual WI day
Driving down to slough later and I have 2 days of hotels stays and working in the office so if I can get through those the rest of the week should be a breeze!!
BeckyT said:Well nobody is going to lose it for me so it's totally down to ME!
Just done 3.5mile walk with the pooch and had my shake when I got back. Try not to have too much water just yet otherwise i will have to stop at evey service station on the m1!!!!
Going to the carvery for my tea, can't wait!!
BeckyT said:Once you start walking regularly it doesn't feel that far at all, we would have walked further but I 'working from home' and have to drive down south so I didnt have a massive amount of time. We did a 6 mile walk on Saturday morning... I love walking as I get lots of time to think! We would be able to get the walk done much quicker if it wasn't for the pooch stopping to sniff every blade of grass!!!!
Whilst I was driving down south I was thinking about what you said Bambalina... If I aim for 8lbs a month that will be 24lbs by the end of November which is 'only' 4lbs away from 2 stone which means I'll be so much closer to fitting into one of my slinky dresses for my crimbo party