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Hi ladies:wave_cry:
im now into mt 4th week on xenical with no problems what so ever ...even wondered if they worked. Well i can tell you yes they do. My son was 7 on Friday and he had a party at home, i was really good and prepared prawns, salad and new potatoes steering clear of the naughty stuff. I ended up having a few crisps and had some birthday cake, i was dissapointed but counted my points (ww). The next day nothing but sunday morning i has the orange oil...a lot just once and again this morning. I was going swimming this morning but too scared lol!!! I now know not to be too relaxed about things. I have my months appointment with doctor tommorrow hope i can get another prescription as they are helping me not to binge eat and indulge in takeaways!!!
Sharon x
im now into mt 4th week on xenical with no problems what so ever ...even wondered if they worked. Well i can tell you yes they do. My son was 7 on Friday and he had a party at home, i was really good and prepared prawns, salad and new potatoes steering clear of the naughty stuff. I ended up having a few crisps and had some birthday cake, i was dissapointed but counted my points (ww). The next day nothing but sunday morning i has the orange oil...a lot just once and again this morning. I was going swimming this morning but too scared lol!!! I now know not to be too relaxed about things. I have my months appointment with doctor tommorrow hope i can get another prescription as they are helping me not to binge eat and indulge in takeaways!!!