Gold Member
14stoneto9stoneplease said:Oh toothache I have never actually been pleased to feel you but you have saved me from the fridge so thanking you kindly.... for now!
Lol oh dear that bad hey?
14stoneto9stoneplease said:Oh toothache I have never actually been pleased to feel you but you have saved me from the fridge so thanking you kindly.... for now!
DustQueen said:Hows it going hun?
14stoneto9stoneplease said:Well I am a right wimp and still didn't have the guts to weigh this morning! I was standing in the bathroom for about 10 mins trying to psych myself up for it but I realised if I really didn't like what I seen then I would probably think what's the point and fall off the wagon!
So making Saturdays my official weigh in day! I ALWAYS lose 7lbs on a restart week (so long as I'm 100%) so whatever I weigh Saturday I will add 7lbs and write that as my start weight! At least this way I don't have to face it whilst it's happening! I can weigh on saturday and think wow I'm glad I got rid of those 7lbs first!
But other than that today has been great, haven't struggled at all- apart from when my mum thought she'd share the fact that she is having a chippy for tea! And my friend a dominoes! Oh how I hate them! But currently slurping on my delicious shake so I'm obviously the lucky oneHow has day 2 been for you? xx
DustQueen said:Ummm day 1 actually eeeeekkkkk
I am so uber uber stroppy again *sigh* really am a complete cow whilst I'm on this :S
My house smells of yummy food at the momentdamn oh and lodger
14stoneto9stoneplease said:We can be cows together then, my OH hates me on this diet, it doesn't help when he says ' oh for god sake just bloody eat something cause you are doing my head in now!' They just don't get it do they! I told him to try it for a week to put himself in my shoes but he says he couldnt even manage a day! I don't doubt that for a second! It's us chicks that have the balls of steel I tell ya! Xx
Just had a full on binge that started with me telling myself I'll just have the other half of LO's toast and turned into 2 packets of crisps, 2 chocolate sweets and a cheesestring!this has been happening for last 4 weeks now, I start the week good and then something takes over me and now I just want to give up as I have had enough of this
I never binged before this diet, it is just wrong, must be the extremness of it all
Mamakash said:Hey hun you been doing so well and it's actualy not a lot of food . Draw a line and move on ! Xxx
Little-Miss-Perfect said:Aw babes, hugs, big massive hugs.
I went throo a stage like that too, crazy mental stuff! I recon its defo with the extremity of this diet.
Hope tomorrow is better for you xx
DustQueen said:I'm the same hunbig fail today
x this diet does make you completely food crazy
ginger&proud said:kind of glad its not just me that has been struggling these last few weeks..... why oh why do we do this to ourselves??? i know i keep sabotaging myself and am getting mad!
DustQueen said:How you doing Hun?
14stoneto9stoneplease said:Quite well actually, am not at all hungry which I don't quite get as there is no way I could be in keto after what I ate yesterday! Need to glug some water though! How about you? xx