Operation: Wedding dress!

Day 17?? I think?! And I am finally in the 12's!!!!!!!!! Ok only by a lb but hopefully by next weigh in I can get a couple more off! So so so motivated today and weighing every day really is helping me so I am going to continue to do so :D
Your doing good hun and def in the zone! Fingers crossed for weigh in day xx:D
Thanks girlies! Even more happy at the minute as I have just thrown out (well put into charity bags) practically ALL of my size 18 and size 20 clothes! Alot of it still had tags on which felt a bit like a waste of money but then I thought would I rather still be able to fit into them? Err noooo sod the money lol! Really didn't realise how much difference a stone makes! :D
Hey well done you .... there's no going back and your doing just grand! I've noticed a big difference in my clothes as well it is supposed to be a dress size after all!! Really chuffed for you xx:D
So made OH go in the loft last night to get my box of 'clothes that don't fit' out. I knew that size 16 tops fitted me now but as I have always been bigger on bottom I was a bit weary of trying on the trousers! But I am very pleased to say that every single pair fitted yay :D there are a few size 14 jeans in there that I forgot I had and I can't wait to get into them! Oh well another stone in another month and hopefully I will br able to ;)
Thats what I keep doing when I'm flagging a bit .... try clothes on that are now too big and clothes on that are too small and dream when I can comfortably get in them .... its brill xx
Yoohooo!!! only meeee!!!!
I wish I'd have found this sooner!...you're well inspiring! lol I haven't read it all (feeding L/O) but will do later when I have a bit more time to myself! What I have read though is really positive and fantabulous!!! :D Oooh I'm going to be an avid follower now! :)

BouncyBride said:
Yoohooo!!! only meeee!!!!
I wish I'd have found this sooner!...you're well inspiring! lol I haven't read it all (feeding L/O) but will do later when I have a bit more time to myself! What I have read though is really positive and fantabulous!!! :D Oooh I'm going to be an avid follower now! :)


Lol! :D x
Bit down today :( my scales haven't budged since the other day which means at the minute I am only 1 pound down. I know there are still two days to go but I really need to lose 4lbs a week to keep me on target. I don't really get it as I have been 100% again all week (apart from a teaspoon of cabbage earlier!) and been doing at least 30 mins of exercise each day. plus all I can think about is FOOD!! Good food, bad food any food!! Was like this yesterday aswell- just kept thinking about quorn chicken and loads of spring onions (skinniminx!!) Oh well I really hope I can get another few pounds off before Monday as I really don't want a smaller loss to put me off TS :(
Morning chicken :)

Hey, don't worry about your 1lb loss so far, I was like that and ended up losing 4lbs. That's why I TRY not to weigh, it gets me down if I dont see what I want to see. But then if what I seeis good, I think "ahh I'll eat now!" lol so it just doesn't really work for me. PLEASE just stick with it. I know it's so, so hard (I was climbing the walls last night for thinking of food) but it will be really worth it and you know it will. And, because you don't have a massive amount to lose, maybe look at it as though you only have to do exante for x many weeks?? That's what I do, I only have 16 weeks until my wedding so just think of it as only 16 weeks on exante and it makes it SO much more easy.

I hope when you read this you're feeling better about it and wake up feeling proud of yourself that you didn't eat last night (unless you did after you posted! lol)

BouncyBride said:
Morning chicken :)

Hey, don't worry about your 1lb loss so far, I was like that and ended up losing 4lbs. That's why I TRY not to weigh, it gets me down if I dont see what I want to see. But then if what I seeis good, I think "ahh I'll eat now!" lol so it just doesn't really work for me. PLEASE just stick with it. I know it's so, so hard (I was climbing the walls last night for thinking of food) but it will be really worth it and you know it will. And, because you don't have a massive amount to lose, maybe look at it as though you only have to do exante for x many weeks?? That's what I do, I only have 16 weeks until my wedding so just think of it as only 16 weeks on exante and it makes it SO much more easy.

I hope when you read this you're feeling better about it and wake up feeling proud of yourself that you didn't eat last night (unless you did after you posted! lol)


Hey BB!

No i didn't eat, my willpower is far too strong for that lol! Think I was just having a down day- haven't had one since starting so I suppose it had to come at some point!

Well I have lost another lb today so am now 12.12 which is great but I'm not holding out much hope for Monday! Been a good day though really- about three people said to me today wow you've lost weight! None of said people new I was on a diet so it felt better than if someone who did know had said it if you get me!

Great idea about the weeks and just worked out after this week I have 13 left (based on 4lb loss a week) so that is just over 3 months abd is nothing in the grand scheme of things!

Well I'm off to read your diary now, and see if you've been good ;) I am sure you have xx
Morningggg!!! :D

I'm so pleased you were good and feeling better again today (or yesterday LOL)

I had a really bad night, first time I've actually lost control and I'm sure it was because I'd had wine that I didn't care so much about what I ate. Anyway, I'm not doingit again, I didn't actually enjoy eating, the wine made me feel sick and this morning I just can't wait to get back on the packs and feel healthy again. I said to my O/H this morning that I really hate feeling how I do this morning, I'm not down, I just mean how my body feels after eating crap and it just showed me exactly how tuned with my body exante makes me! I'm glad I did it because I KNOW I won't be doing that again before I get married, it's crap! lol SO I'm now 2lbs up from yesterday which I'm hoping isn't permanent! lol xx
BouncyBride said:
Morningggg!!! :D

I'm so pleased you were good and feeling better again today (or yesterday LOL)

I had a really bad night, first time I've actually lost control and I'm sure it was because I'd had wine that I didn't care so much about what I ate. Anyway, I'm not doingit again, I didn't actually enjoy eating, the wine made me feel sick and this morning I just can't wait to get back on the packs and feel healthy again. I said to my O/H this morning that I really hate feeling how I do this morning, I'm not down, I just mean how my body feels after eating crap and it just showed me exactly how tuned with my body exante makes me! I'm glad I did it because I KNOW I won't be doing that again before I get married, it's crap! lol SO I'm now 2lbs up from yesterday which I'm hoping isn't permanent! lol xx

I'm the same BB, anything alcoholic just makes me want to eat eat eat! So pleased your not letting it get you down, you seem to have just drawn a line under it and moved on which is the best way to be! x
Good luck for WI day tomorrow ... stay strong you can do this! It will be worth it in the end ... I can't wait to be at my target weight ... I keep thinking about it all the time ... the clothes I'd buy I'm window (brain) shopping all the time. Its really exciting but seems a long time off! Hope your day is going ok ... the weather is rubbish here so stuck indoors and just chillin with a can of coke zero (bliss)! xx
well done so far,
Have definitely drawn a line under it and am over it now! LOL Just hoping the fat doesn't stay in my body and I gain more throughout the week but I don't THINK that will happen as long as I'm 100% ???

Best of luck for tomorrow...can't wait to see your result!! :D xxx
i didnt like the tomatoe one and i am not very keen on the mushroom one so i am hoping i dont have many of these left to use up lol, i think once the soups are gone im sticking to shakes, as i dont like the bars either ive been reading posts where people have been making them into muffins, i so want to know how to do this lol x
AmZie said:
i didnt like the tomatoe one and i am not very keen on the mushroom one so i am hoping i dont have many of these left to use up lol, i think once the soups are gone im sticking to shakes, as i dont like the bars either ive been reading posts where people have been making them into muffins, i so want to know how to do this lol x

I have gone off all the soups! Just have shakes and bars now. Haven't a clue how to make the muffins but I think iv read on here somewhere that cooking them kills the nutrients in them- but I suppose every now and again would be fine x
I can't wait to end my soups god they are not the nicest I would swap with anyone all my soups for shakes I even have some bars I'd give away free as I just can't stand them x