Ok so I was just about to stuff my face when I thought NOOOOO, go on Mini's instead! (a first for me, I usually just stuff my face!)
So I have just spent the last 10 minutes resetting my ticker to my heaviest weight (16st) and man has it given me the motivation to NOT stuff my face! I have now lost 66lbs since this time last year and only have 18 lbs left to goal! I know technically I didn't lose the first two stone with Exante (1 of em just dropped off after having my second little man and the other was through healthy eating) but seeing it wrote down like that makes the last 18lbs seem like a doddle! My brain needs to inform my stomach of this fact!
I know I will probably want to lose a bit more after reaching 10 stone as my ideal weight for my height is 9.10. But I will just do that through healthy eating I reckon.
So all going to plan I could be at the end of my Exante journey in as little as 5 weeks!
When should I start weaning myself off it do guys think? Should I start with WS then gradually introduce healthy eating? Ahhh so many questions but in a fab mood now- was miserable 20 mins ago!