Orlistat advice please 😘

Hello everyone! I started taking Orlistat today and I would love to hear your stories please? Did you have side effects? Was it helpful for you? How much did you lose per week? Sorry for all the questions I just don’t know what to expect 🤔
Hi there - welcome to Minimins. I recommend searching the threads for orlistat comments - as not sure there are many people orlistating at the mo.
Good luck!
Thank you I’ve had a look through, they are all fairly old posts so I wasn’t sure if anything had changed with the pills! Hopefully they will help along side a 1500cal a day diet xx
Hi, just beware that a very low fat diet can cause gallbladder issues.. and possibly give you gallstones which means you will need your gallbladder taken out. Gallbladder stones / Issues are actually a side effect of Xenical/ Orlistat.

Your body needs fat to function optimally .. eating fat doesn’t make you fat ..

HI GI carbs & sugary drinks and foods .. make you fat.

Crap foods make you fat and sick.

Most processed foods low in fat are generally high in sugars.. it’s these sugars that make you fat.

look at a lower carb diet.. remove processed foods/ drinks sugars .. limit Hi GI foods.

I did Xenical lost some (5% of body weight) weight and put it back on again. I have since had my gallbladder out due to large stones.

I’m now using fasting and low carb / moderate healthy animal fats & fruit oils which works better and is healthier than low fat.

Sorry to be a bearer of bad news ...but it’s truly better you check out a diet that doesn’t include C R A P foods instead.

Most people loose weight on Orlistat due to removing the Hi Fat processed foods/ takeaways. Also removing Hi fat baked goods.. which are all foods full of sugars too.. even Indian takeaways are full of sugar! Which to me was /is a bit of a shock! Orlistat helps you avoid Takeaways.. which means that your also lowering your carbs/ sugars & starchy foods. It’s not really about the fat it’s the carbs/ sugars/ starchy foods your not eating that helps you loose weight.

Then they stall due to having calories too low and then having to lower them further. Which wreaks your metabolism and may effect your thyroid function.

Fasting 16:8/5:2 Diet is what worked better for a lot of people who used to use this forum.

Www.dietdoctor.com is a good place to look for an alternative diet.. keto/ lower carb/ Banting are better options than going low fat.

Read the obesity code by Jason Fung .. the Big Fat Surprise is another eye opening book. Both available on kindle 😊

Good luck.


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