Ossireos Munchings

Friday June 19th (35/105)
Wholemeal Roll(HEB), Banana(SF)
[L] Ainsley Harriot Cous Cous(2)
[D] Pork Steaks(F), Mixed Veg(SF), New Potatoes(F)
Skimmed Milk(HEA), Raspberries(SF), 5 Chocolate Hobnobs(18), Strawberry Solero(5)

Curse my boss who brought in a packet of hobnobs for me & him to share :eek:
So it has been a stressful few months all round. Managed to gain close to 7lbs whilst not on SW. Took the decision to rejoin class a few weeks ago, I just manage to sneak in and weigh after work but things are still not going well really so today needs to try to be a fresh start.

OH is also on a bit of a plateau so I am going to note things down for both of us. Still not fully planning at the moment that I know will help .. will get there eventually I hope :eek:

Friday 11 September 2009

Me: Strawberries(SF), Banana(SF) and Mullerlight Banana Custard(SF)
OH: 42g Crunchy Bran(HEB), 15g Puffed Wheat(2.5), Skimmed Milk(HEA)
Me: Crusty White Roll(6.5), 2 Laughing Cow Lights(3), Salad(SF)
OH: Subway Beef Salad(F), Single Cheese(HEA)-makes his own!
Me: Pork Steaks(F), Mixed Veg(SF)
Me: Pasta'n'Sauce(F), Cheese(HEB), Tea(SF), Coffee(SF), Skimmed Milk(HEA)
OH: Diet Coke(SF)
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Saturday 12 September 2009

Me: Vogel Bran(HEB), Banana(SF) and Mullerlight Banana Custard(SF)
OH: 42g Crunchy Bran(HEB), 15g Puffed Wheat(2.5), Mullerlight Toffee(SF)
Me: Pasta'n'Sauce(F), Cheese(2)
OH: Pasta'n'Sauce(F), Cheese(2)
OH: Subway Chicken Salad(F), Single Cheese(HEA)-makes his own!
Me: Green Tea(SF), Tea(SF), Coffee(SF), Skimmed Milk(HEA)
OH: Diet Coke(SF), Skimmed Milk(HEA)