Other diet bars

Princess_Ames said:
Ok the fudge one is not good :(

I was expecting to really enjoy it but I'm so disappointed :(

I have another one if anyone would like me to send it them :cry:

Just hope the other flavour tastes better. I think from now on I'll stick to the Exante ones. I like them much better x

Was it the chewy fudge one??? xxx
You mean the mint fudge one? Oooohh it's GORGEOUS
Princess_Ames said:
Yup the chewy fudge :( it was horrible.

How very dare you say that!!!!!!! ;) it's delish!!!!! :)
Try it again in a few weeks, bet ur taste buds will have changed by then xx
I've only tried the BL breakfast bar which was yum and really looking forward to trying the chocolate ones .... think a call at Tesco/Asda is calling x
Hi all, i'm new to here and to this whole VLCD thing. Have friends who have had success with Exante, so I thought i'd get in on the action.... but

Can I really eat these BL bars?
Just had a Fruit and Nut Breakfast bar, it tasted too good to be allowed?!

I'm waiting for my months supply to arrive but have been using some cambridge packs that a friend gave me. Have been using them since Saturday morning and really needed to chew something - hence the BL bar - but now i'm worried I bought the wrong thing?!
I love the BL choc mint bar, it doesn't taste the same if not in ketosis for me, seriously not as nice. The other BL bars are too chewy for me?.

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Asda bars. Yummm

Had me first one today and they are delicious. Defo recommend. :flirt2:
Yeah Yeah they are gorge xx
Hate to be a spoilsport but I bought some Tesco Ultraslim bars and they are yummy. Very Yummy. I ate the whole friggin packet..... So a word of warning. If something tastes really good then perhaps it might not be such a good idea to be buying it......if you have issues with food that is.........

Unfortunately coz they are so nice you do need a lot of willpower! x
I open my packs of bars up and put them in a container in the fridge. They are very difficult to eat when they are cold. I did try eating one straight from the fridge once and it nearly broke a tooth.

I do prefer the Tesco ones although I do get the BL ones if I am near to an Asda for a change.
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Thank you ms starlight.
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I must admit, I hated the bl bars when I first tried them -now some time later I love the mint fudge one. I've bought the Tesco bars but they contain wheat so hoping if I only eat one a week or if I'm bunged up (sorry tmi) it won't make me ill.

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