Have tried the tescos ultra meal replacement bars and they are sooooo sickly sweet! Checked the backs of the packs and they definitely say they have the same carbs/ sugar as atkins bars but hard to believe when they taste like pure sugar! Have other people had them and definitely stayed in ketosis? Would quite like to get them as am planning to have more shakes and not have a bar every day, and don't want to buy the full price bars from exante...
scotminx said:I've used the tesco bars in week 1 LED and they've had no impact on my ketosis (purple still). To be honest I prefer the biggest loser ones though, and have just picked up a bunch of the atkins ones (they were B1G1 half price in holland and barratt) so will let try them out and report on whether there is any impact on ketosis. I'm honestly not a fan of the exante bars and price is a factor for me so I've been using alternatives all week (BL and tesco) with no ill effects.
scotminx said:I've had a couple of atkins bars now (the total carbs are comparable) and haven't had any issues with ketosis. However, after a nosey on the atkins sub-forum I've decided to avoid them where possible as they stall some people, etc. They can also give you the runs (I have to admit I've been quite "loose" since eating them - sorry, tmi) so you'll have to watch out for that, but I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing if you needed some help to *ahem* move things a long a bit
So, my overall conclusion is - the atkins meal bars are fine as a replacement on occasion if you're caught short or waiting on other bars arriving but I wouldn't have one everyday
I've had the tesco ones before... They're decent enough. A LOT of chewing to them lol
I'd love to try the BL bars but I don't know if its worth a 30odd mile trip to asda just for them!! lol
Anyone on this thread from Ireland who's able to get these bars?? Need more bars don't want fork out for d exante ones!
I think these deliver to Ireland.
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