Violet is shrinking
Think I'll go tomorrow and see if I can pick up one or two to try 
leanne 777 said:asda as them for £1.50, how much r the tesco ones
Blue Butterfly said:Blimey Tesco seems to be discontinuing all the things we can have.....what are they playing at!!!
They have decided TS is not quite hard enough as it is so they are making it harder for us (or at least this is how I felt standing in tesco being told they aren't doing apple water or BL bars anymore) lol
bunny_hops said:I really struggle with my water intake (I was fine pre Exante as I had the Volvic flavoured water) I wonder why the other supermarkets don't do a water that fits like Tesco's. Do Morrisons do anything we can have?
Starlight said:Im editing this first post as the thread gets longer, people understandably cant be bothered ploughing through it for the info they want, so all the 'What bar can I have' threads are starting again which kinda defeats the purpose of this sticky
Bars in place of Exante
Biggest Loser Bars (All flavours)
Asda Measure Up Meal Replacement Bars
Tesco Ultra Slim Meal Replacement Bars
Be sure and check its the meal replacement ones not the snack ones.
They are almost identical to Exante, the same rules apply. One per day and they WONT knock you out of Ketosis![]()
do they still do asda meal replacment bars? i cudonly c the snack bars when i went in.