Thanks everyone, but sadly no news still.
I'm just keeping busy! god, isn't is silly. Every time i hear a noise I think it's her coming home, but not yet. i've changed my avatar to her piccie so i can remember what she looks like! *sigh*
Its been a week today since we let her out. I heard something positive yesterday though; our lovely postie said that he is sure he saw her on Saturday morning when he did his rounds, and that she was just outside our drive. So even if she is shut in somewhere, it might not be for as long as we feared.
I don't know. My OH keeps telling me not to get my hopes up, but I can't give up on her!!! Poor little Hattie cattie.
I'll keep you all informed of any info. It's like a soap opera, isn't it? xxx
Thanks again for all your support! xxx