Our little cat's gone missing :-(

So, she's still not back. Today is the day that i put posters up. xxx
Hattie come home!!!!! please!!!!!
Day 6 and still no cat. :-(

We are starting to resign ourselves to being a 2 cat family now.

If she turns up it will be a joyous occasion, but if not, at least she had a happy little life xxx

Off to sob in the corner now :sad0071:
Don't give up hope. Our cat went missing for six weeks and was painfully thin when he came back, but he lived for another 6 yrs. He was 18 when he died.
Oh I hope she comes back soon :fingerscrossed:
A few summers ago we spent the entire holidays feeding what we thought was a stray cat-turns out she lived halfway down the street and had a penchant for wandering off for weeks on end. Cats are very clever creatures, so once her food supply runs out or she starts missing the comfort and affection she gets at home, I'm sure she'll find her way back.
I can't believe how often I keep coming back to check if there's any news! A cat belonging to someone I have never met has gone missing - and I'm worried about her and her owner! I suppose it's because I've got cats of my own (including a Tabby girl just like the one in your sig, Petal!) and know what you're going through. I hope she comes back soon
Thanks everyone, but sadly no news still.

I'm just keeping busy! god, isn't is silly. Every time i hear a noise I think it's her coming home, but not yet. i've changed my avatar to her piccie so i can remember what she looks like! *sigh*

Its been a week today since we let her out. I heard something positive yesterday though; our lovely postie said that he is sure he saw her on Saturday morning when he did his rounds, and that she was just outside our drive. So even if she is shut in somewhere, it might not be for as long as we feared.

I don't know. My OH keeps telling me not to get my hopes up, but I can't give up on her!!! Poor little Hattie cattie.

I'll keep you all informed of any info. It's like a soap opera, isn't it? xxx

Thanks again for all your support! xxx
So just to update you all....day 10 and she's still not back.

No phone calls as a result of all the posters i put through letter boxes either, so nobody local has her (unless they haven't called because don't want to give her back!)

So, nothing more to be done i don't think. Just carry on as normal and hope that one day she turns up again! xxx
Oh dear, I thought about you today and was hoping that you'd had some good news.
Sadly no. Thanks for your thoughts though! x
Oh hun, I'm so sorry there's no sign of her yet. I know I'd be distraught if one of my furry friends went missing - welling up just at the thought of it! Don't give up hope!
Thanks everyone! xxx
Hun, I hope she comes back soon! My old cat disappeared for a good 3 weeks once and then one day just turned up outside the back door again, a little thinner but none the worse for wear for her adventure - to this day we never know where she went! And a couple of weeks ago, a gorgeous cat turned up in my Mum and Dad's hamlet - he was very friendly but no-one knew who he belonged to! One of my Mum's neighbours took him to the vets and he was microchipped - turns out he'd ended up about 20 miles away from home and they think he got disorientated in the snow that we'd had and lost his way. I'm not sure these two anecdotes help you at all but cats are pretty resilliant and from one cat lover to another I've got everything crossed for you xxxxx
hi, i just wanted to say i really feel for you :wave_cry:. i have had one of my cats go missing for 8 weeks before..he was trapped somewhere but came back to us. we had to take him to the vets and he had to be kept in over night. Just dont give up and keep on going for walks calling there name. Hope your kitty comes home soon x
Hi just wanted to see how you were and if you had any news. My Cat was put to sleep tonight :cry:. 20years old bless her!! but she had a great life! Really hope your little one comes back x x