Hello there all,
My name is Chelle, I'm 23, 5.4 and 12.7 stone. My aim is to get to 10stone something...which I can't even imagine! I have always had a weight problem. I think it stems from being really poor as a child and never having any nice food in the house, i.e Ham, cheese, biscuits etc....So as my circumstances changed and I got a job as a 15 year old I would treat myself with lots of nice things that I never had and could now afford...chocolate, crisps, cakes.Basically all the nice things that mum couldnt afford to give us. The thing is, not only did I/do I treat myself but I sort of can't stop until I have had it ALL because I'm worried I wont get it again.....I think thats the bit that has caused me to always be abit fat! Does this make sense?? haha...probably not!
Anyway, over the years I have always hovered between 11 and 12.7 stone and have never been confident with my body although I am happy and confident in myself. I have lost a few pounds here and there with slimming world but this time round it is just not doing it for me. I want results now that I can work on maintaining.
I am starting CD on Sunday 13th...wooohoo. I am very nervous as I can't imagine not eating solid food or going hungrey....as I said earlier, its a fear I have so this is really going to teach me a thing or two about myself!!
Any advice and words of wisdom muchly appreciated. I am going to use this a diary to keep myself on track, make fellow CD freinds and give/recieve support. I look forward to chatting to you all!
Right, my first goal is to get through Day1, Sunday 13th! Will let you know how I get on.
Cheerio for now